Tag Archives: McKitrick family

Mary Vaughn McKitrick: Cause of Death, Unknown (52 Ancestors #5)

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When you set the theme for a blogging challenge as “Plowing Through,” you might be tempted to focus on a farmer in the family tree. That’s what I had in mind when I set that as the theme for Week 5 of 52 Ancestors. However, I discovered an ancestor for whom I have just plowed through with my research… and missed clues along the way.

Mary Vaughn, my 4th great-grandmother, married John McKitrick in Belmont County, Ohio on 25 September 1836.1)John McKitrick and Mary Vaughn marriage, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1997, FamilySearch.org; digitized image of Belmont County, Ohio marriage volume 4, page 255. In 1850, John was living in Monroe County, Ohio; Mary was not in the household.2)John McKitrick household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio, p. 483b, nos. 183/183.

In 1979, Fred L. McKitrick published The McKitricks and Roots of Ulster Scots (Baltimore: Gateway Press). In it, he discounts some earlier McKitrick works and gives at least some specific documentation. He states that Mary died 25 April 1850 and is buried in Mt. Tabor M.E. Cemetery.3)Fred L. McKitrick, The McKitricks and Roots of Ulster Scots (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1979), p. 94.

Here’s the part that I plowed right through. If Mary died in April 1850, she should be on the 1850 Mortality Schedule. True confession time: I didn’t look for it until this week. <facepalm>

Sure enough, Mary “McKiterick” is listed in Franklin Township, Monroe County, Ohio.4)Mary McKiterick, 1850 U.S. Census, mortality schedule, Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio, not paginated. She was 32 years old, female, born in Maryland, and died in April (1850). Her cause of death is listed as “unknown” and the length of illness, “sudden.”

Mary "McKiterick," 1850 U.S. Census (mortality schedule), Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio.

Mary “McKiterick,” 1850 U.S. Census (mortality schedule), Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio.

Ohio did not keep civil death records in 1850, so there is little chance that I will be able to determine what killed Mary at such a young age. However, I do have a theory. Living with John in the 1850 census was 2-month-old Mary. Although the census was actually taken on 21 October 1850, it appears that the census taker did his job correctly and recorded the information as of the official census date of 1 June 1850. If so, baby Mary was born in late March or early April 1850. My theory is that the “sudden” unknown illness that killed 32-year-old Mary was complications from childbirth.

References   [ + ]

1. John McKitrick and Mary Vaughn marriage, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1997, FamilySearch.org; digitized image of Belmont County, Ohio marriage volume 4, page 255.
2. John McKitrick household, 1850 U.S. census, population schedule, Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio, p. 483b, nos. 183/183.
3. Fred L. McKitrick, The McKitricks and Roots of Ulster Scots (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1979), p. 94.
4. Mary McKiterick, 1850 U.S. Census, mortality schedule, Franklin Twp., Monroe County, Ohio, not paginated.

Lavada Jane McKitrick Mason: Estranged from Her Daughter? (52 Ancestors #29)

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Lavada Jane and Eber Mason with unidentified child. Photo from mtngeek.

Lavada Jane and Eber Mason with unidentified child. Photo from mtngeek.

Lavada Jane McKitrick Mason is my great-great-grandmother. She was born in Noble County, Ohio 4 August 1863, the oldest daughter of Isaac and Margaret (Morrison) McKitrick. She married Eber Mason on 10 June 1882 in Washington County, Ohio. Between 1910 and 1920, Eber and Lavada moved from Washington County to Licking County, Ohio. Lavada died 8 December 1930 in Newark of “pulmonary TBC” (tuberculosis). She and Eber are buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery in Newark.

Here’s where I start to wonder about things.

Lavada had 7 children: Sherman, Clara (my great-grandmother), Arthur, Ella, Nettie, Esther, and Susan. Nettie, per the 1900 census and her death certificate, was born in February 1890. Nettie does not appear with Lavada and Eber in the 1910 census; in fact, I have yet to find Nettie in the 1910 census. I don’t believe that Nettie was married by 1910, as she marries Henry W. Smith in 1913 and uses the name “Nettie Mason.” (Of course, she could have reverted back to using her maiden name.)

Sadly, Nettie died from eclampsia on 1 April 1919 in Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio. Her husband Henry was the informant on her death certificate and listed her father as Eber Mason and mother as “not known.” Why didn’t Henry know the name of his own mother-in-law? She was still living at the time.

Nettie lists her residence on her 1913 marriage license as Gracey, Ohio (which is in Washington County). Henry lists his residence as Washington County, Ohio. Yet they got married in West Virginia. And not even just across the river in Parkersburg. They went 100 miles north to Brooke County.

Nettie wasn’t with her parents in 1910. She’s living in the same county they are in 1913 (as was her husband). Nettie and Henry go 100 miles away to get married. Henry doesn’t list Lavada on Nettie’s death certificate. All of this leaves me asking “Why?” Were Lavada (and/or Eber) and Nettie estranged? Or is all of this just a matter of coincidence and it really doesn’t have a bearing on their relationship?

Sometimes, the records create more questions than they answer.


  • Eber D. Mason and Lavada J. McKitrick marriage record, Washington County marriage volume 7, entry 791, Washington County Probate Court, Marietta, Ohio.
  • Eber Mason household, 1900 Federal census, Washington County, Ohio, Cow Run precinct, p. 175B, household 89, family 93.
  • Eber Mason household, 1910 Federal census, Washington County, Ohio, Lawrence Township, ED 139, sheet 2A, household 25, family 25.
  • Henry W. Smith and Nettie Mason marriage record, Brooke County (WV) volume unknown, page 488. Digital image at wvculture.org.
  • Lavada Jane Mason death certificate, certificate number 73421 (1930), Ohio Historical Society.
  • “Mrs. E. D. Mason obituary,” Newark (Ohio) Advocate, 9 December 1930, page 8.
  • Nettie Smith death certificate, certificate number 30603 (1919), Ohio Historical Society.

Isaac and Margaret (Morrison) McKitrick: 52 Ancestors #23 and 24

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I had originally set this to be two separate posts that would publish while I was gone. But since I forgot to actually schedule them, I’ve opted to combine these into one post. (I hate it when computers do what I tell them to rather that what I want them to do.) Without further ado, let me introduce you to one set of my 3rd-great-grandparents.

Isaac McKitrick was born in 1838, likely in Belmont County, Ohio, and was the son of John and Mary (Vaughn) McKitrick. Isaac was of the right age to be in the Civil War, but I have yet to find any service for him. (Still looking!)

On 21 October 1860, he married Margaret Morrison, daughter of John Morrison. Together, Isaac and Margaret had 10 children: Elmer, John, Lavada Jane (my 2nd-great-grandmother), Charles, William, Henry, Jacob, Margaret, Susan (“Susie”), and Mary.

Isaac died 26 March 1920 in Elyria, Ohio. Margaret died  14 April 1924 in Detroit, Michigan. Both are buried in Ridgelawn Cemetery in Elyria.

Isaac and Margaret (Morrison) McKitrick with their daughter Susie.

Isaac and Margaret (Morrison) McKitrick with their daughter Susie.