Tag Archives: anniversaries

Happy 60th Anniversary, Mom and Dad

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Gerald and Claudene (Ramsey) Johnson, cutting their wedding cake, 6 Nov 1953.

Gerald and Claudene (Ramsey) Johnson, cutting their wedding cake, 6 Nov 1953.

It was a Friday afternoon and Grandma Johnson was giving my Mom’s wedding dress one final ironing. She glided the iron quickly and carefully across the antique white satin, careful not to scorch it. Having made the dress herself, she knew every inch of it, including the more than 30 buttons down the back that she had covered in the same fabric as the dress.

“Look outside!” she called to Mom.

Mom turned to the window and saw that it was snowing. November 6 is early to have snow in central Ohio, but there it was.

The year was 1953 and it was the day that my parents got married.

Fast-forward to today, their 60th wedding anniversary. Three daughters, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Still going strong. My sisters and I joke that since Dad retired, we can’t keep up with them. (It actually isn’t that far from the truth!)

Happy 60th anniversary, Mom and Dad!