Speaking at the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference

The Ohio Genealogical Society is having its annual conference 9-11 April 2015 at the Sheraton at Capitol Square in Columbus. The keynote speaker is the incredible Judy Russell. I’ll be presenting two sessions there:

  • Timelines: The Swiss Army Knife of Genealogical Research (Thursday, 9 Apr at 5:00)
  • How Do I Know That’s My Ancestor? (Saturday, 11 Apr at 4:00)

These two topics are fairly new, but they’ve quickly become two of my favorites. If you stick around for these (yes, both are in the last slot of the day!), I bet you’ll have at least a chuckle or two. (The jokes are pretty bad, so I won’t promise full-out laughter 😉 ) And, oh yeah, you might learn a couple of things about timelines and how to make sure that record you found is really for your ancestor. (The bad jokes are really just a bonus.)

Early-bird registration discount ends Wednesday, March 18!

Save yourself at least $30 by registering before the end of the day on Wednesday, March 18. You can register online or by mail. I hope to see you there!


3 thoughts on “Speaking at the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference

  1. Colleen

    Sounds great. I attended the OGS conference several years ago & would again if it wasn’t so far away. I have many OH roots & the conference was educational and fun. The other attendees were super freindly, giving me tips & inviting me to join them at meals. Enjoy yourself!

    1. Amy Johnson Crow Post author

      Glad you had fun when you attended the OGS conference! It is a pretty fun — and educational — event!

  2. Pingback: Researching the Baxter Sisters, Ancestors #12 / 52 | The Shoebox Under the Bed

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