Another great week in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge! Lots of incredible stories, including Kyla’s post about a tragedy in the Schrader family that led to more than a thousand people at a funeral.
More people started their very first blogs: Judy Phillips started “Little Bits of Roots & Branches, ” Michele Kemper started “Shake Your Family Tree,” and Michelle started “My Family History.”
Because some people didn’t start until after the Week 1 recap was posted, this recap will have entries that are labeled with different weeks. (I thought it would be easier to combine them into one list, rather than break them up by week.)
Weekly recaps will run from Wednesday through Tuesday at 8:00pm Eastern. (2014 started on a Wednesday, so it seems to make some sense.)
Note: There are currently 212 blogs that I’m tracking for this in Feedly (my current favorite blog reader). To increase the odds of me seeing your post, include the phrase “52 Ancestors” in the title of the post. Thanks!
- ACKLEY – “#2 Daniel Ackley” by Sally Knudsen on SallySearches
- ALBERS – “#1 Charles H. Albers, 1865-1915” by Nancy Hurley on Indiana Ties
- ALBEY – “#2 Robert Green Albey” by Terri Buster on Genealogy Junkie
- ALDINGTON – “Wk 2 – Henry Innalls Aldington” by Kim Robinson on Laney’s Past
- ALFORD – “Billie Thomas Alford” by Jennifer Alford on Jenealogy
- ALIPHAT – “#1 Dorothy aka Carmen” (Dorothy Mae Aliphat Janes Paulson Fennell aka Carmen Aliphat) by on 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks Challenge
- ANDERSON – “#1 Rhema Anderson Fair” by Vera Marie Badertscher on Ancestors in Aprons
- ANFLICK – “No. 2: Samuel Harmon Anflick” by Tim Graham on Photo Restoration by Tim
- ARBUCKLE – “#2 Mary Dickenson Arbuckle” by Wendy Littrell on All My Branches Genealogy
- ARNOLD – “#2 Mabel Irene Arnold” on Chasing Dead Relatives
- ASKEW – “Week 1: Ola Askew McKinley” by Jeanne Bryan Insalaco on 52 Week Ancestor Challenge: Ancestor Stories
- ATKINSON – “Week 2: James Curtis Atkinson” by Cherie Atkinson Clark on Still Digging for Roots
- ATKINSON – “No. 2: Wesley Wilburt Atkinson” by Kale Liam Hobbes on Your Roots Are Showing, Dearie
- BABCOCK – “#1 Sarah L. Babcock” by Arlene Baker on Moore Views from the Family Tree
- BAIRD – “Lewis Millard Baird” by Pam on Our Own History
- BASHAM – “Weeks 1 & 2” (Thomas White and Sophia Harriett Basham) on From Mowat and Beyond
- BAYLEY – “Week 2: Frye Bayley” by Michelle Rasmussen on Leaves and Nuts
- BEASECKER – “#2 Sylvester Beasecker” by William Wheeler on Wheeler Genealogy
- BEEBE – “#2 Samuel Whiting Beebe” by Brian Cain on The Impassioned Genealogist
- BELAIR – “#2 Fred Belair” by Yvonne Demoskoff on Yvonne’s Genealogy Blog
- BENNETT – “Week 2 Rebecca ‘Peggy’ Bennett” by Jenn Merry on Descendants of the Shaffer and Zirkle Family
- BENSON – “W2 – Alick Benson who died on the golf course” by Simon on The Branches of My Tree
- BEYERSDOERFER – “#1 Aunt Rose” (Rose Beyersdoerfer Pangburn) by Cheri Daniels on Journeys Past
- BIGGS – “#1 Green Biggs” by Bob and Debbie Biggs on Bob & Debbie’s Next BIGGS Adventure
- BINNS – “#2 John Brooks Binns” by Ginger Smith on Genealogy by Ginger
- BIRD – “W1: When you wish 2 + 2 = 4” (George Bird) by Simon on The Branches of My Tree
- BIRKENSTOCK – “#2 Katherine Birkenstock Kuhn’s Will Discovery” by Nancy Hurley on Indiana Ties
- BOUGHTON – “#2 Morris Boughton” by the Millennial Genealogist on Looking Through the Lens of a Millennial Genealogist (Facebook page)
- BREIT – “Elizabeth Breit Jacobs” on Lives Entwined
- BRYAN – “Week 2: Berrian Clark Bryan” by Jeanne Bryan Insalaco on 52 Week Ancestor Challenge: Ancestor Stories
- BRYAN – “Whit Criswell Bryan” by Diana on Moments in Time
- BUELL – “Grover Buell — Oh Dear, Which One Is Which??” by Celia Lewis on Twigs and Trees
- BURNETT – “#2 Winifred Burnett, Daughter, WWI Volunteer, Sister, Friend” by Liz Loveland on My Adventures in Genealogy
- BUTLER – “#2 Hannah Butler” by Catherine Pendleton on The Pendleton Genealogy Post
- CARLISLE – “#2 Amanda Melvina Carlisle” by Jana Last on Jana’s Genealogy and Family History Blog
- CARNEY – “#1 Margaret Carney Cone” by Patricia Rohn on Shaking the Tree
- CARROLL-CAL – “Henry Carroll-Cal” by Judi Carroll-Thompson on Journey of a Family Historian
- CHANCELLOR – “#1 Esther Chancellor” on Exploring Family
- CHANDLER – “#2 – Flu Pandemic of 1918” (Mary Elizabeth Chandler Schlifkin) by Laura Johnston on Getting Started in Genealogy
- CHURCH – “Benjamin F. Church, Milwaukee public servant” by Barbara Petura on Relative Musings
- CLARK – “#2 Jane Clark Brown 1846-1918” by Denise Hibsch Richmond on Denise Digs Roots
- CLARK – “#2 Otis Elmer Clark” by Amy Urman on The Genealogy Search
- COAKLEY – “John Robert Coakley” by Sylvia Baron on Wandering Through My Roots
- COLE – “Week 2” (Alexander Cole) by Dawn Kluka on Johnson Kluka Genealogy
- CORBIN – “#A Sepia Saturday Twist” (Joshua H. Corbin) by Karen S. on 21 Wits, by Karen
- CORSETT – “#2 Sarah Corsett Wiedrich – Bathing Beauty” by Arlene Baker on Moore Views from the Family Tree
- COUGHLIN – “#2 Thomas Raymond Coughlin” by Denise Coughlin on Denise’s Genealogy Journey
- CRAFT – “Daddy” by Valerie Craft on Begin with ‘Craft’ [Note to Valerie: if this isn’t correct, let me know!]
- CRIDER – “#1 and #2 James Winslow Crider and Anna Reed Crider” by Beverly Harrison on The Hopelessly Hooked Genealogist
- DANSON – “3 – John Danson. Father of a Bastard Child” by Susan Donaldson on Family History Fun
- DAY – “#2 Susan Day Stevens” by FamSleuther on Ancestry Addict
- DEES – “#2 Edmund Dees” by Martha at Fascinated by the Dead
- DELLER – “1 – Charles Joseph Deller” by Angela on What Was Their Story
- EARL – “In No Particular Order” (Lula Earl Ralston, 1867-1964) on Montanatude
- EBERHARD – “#2: Love Wins Out for Nora Eberhard” by Shelley Bishop on A Sense of Family
- EGGELSMANN – “#2 Wilhelm Eggelsmann” by Joanne Clyde on Do You Know the Muffin Man?
- ELLIS – untitled (Rhoda Ann Ellis Williams) by Cathy on Remember Me – Remember Me
- ELVERY – “A Death and Abandonment in Australia” (Sarah Elvery Stead) by Lorine McGinnis Schulze on Olive Tree Genealogy
- ERLANGER – “Herman and Julia Erlanger” on Branching Out
- ERSKINE – “Aldred Erskine” by Fran Jensen on Heart of Story
- ESTES – “My Crazy Estes Aunts” (Margaret and Minnie) by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
- ESTES – “Searching for Ilo’s Son” by Roberta Estes on DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
- ESTRADA – “Ancestor 2: Alonso Estrada tie to King Ferdinand II Still Debated Today” by Judy Everett Ramos on Fort Worth Genealogy Examiner
- FARKAS – “Sandor Farkas from Botpalad, born in 1884 or 1885?” by Marian Burk Wood on Climbing My Family Tree
- FARRELL – “#2 Robert Allan Farrell (1927-1962)” by Alana on A Twig in My Tree
- FISHER – “#1 Sarah Ella Fisher Pridgeon” by Dawn Kluka on Johnson Kluka Genealogy
- FISKEN – “Week Two: Flora Fisken” by Jillian Glover on My Ain Folk
- FROST – “#2 John Frost” by Dave Lucey on The eLucydator
- GAUNA – “#1 Tomasa Guana de Quinteros” by Juli Quinteros de Hernandez on Life in the Past Lane
- GRAFF – “#2 Henry Graff (1863-1941)” – by Kessa Eldridge on Of Loons and Lady Slippers
- GULLENS – “#1 Carl Eric Gullens” by JC on Carlson and Carrico Family History
- GUSTAVE – “#2 Jean Charles Gustave (1819-18??)” by Luis Rivera on Genealogy Under Construction
- HALL – “Stranger Exchanger” (Dr. Charles G. Hall) by passagetothepast on Passage to the Past’s Blog
- HARRIS – “#1 Dr. Herman Lee Harris” by Piper Oneto on What Do You Mean We’re Irish?
- HARTLINE – “#2 My Grand Aunt: Fern HARTLINE-CLARK” by Gwen Eads on Eads and Allied Families
- HASH – “How an Ancestry Shaky Leaf Solved My Marriage Problem – #2 Clara Ellen Hash” by Anne Gillespie Mitchel on Finding Forgotten Stories
- HASKILL – “Nathaniel Haskill Born 1758” by Kris Stewart on My Link to the Past
- HILDRETH – “Hattie Louisa (Hildreth) Seaver” by Randy Seaver on Genea-Musings
- HOGUE – “Hogg/Hogue/Haig/Hoge – What’s in a Name? Robert Fulton Hogue, 1743-1824” by Helen Holshouser on Heart of a Southern Woman
- HOLCOMB – “#1 Tennie Belle Holcomb” by Aymee Lubinski on My Ancestor’s Leaves
- HOOPER – “#3 Laura Emma Hooper Reynolds” by Kessa Eldridge on Of Loons and Lady Slippers
- HOUDESHELL – “#1 Nora Melinda (Houdeshell) Hoover (1891-1965)” by Kris Hocker on /genealogy
- HOWARD – “Week #2 – Elmo Howard” by Cathy G. on Orlandel Creations
- HÜBSCH – “#1 John Ernest Hübsch 1838-1909” by Denise Hibsch Richmond on Denise Digs Roots
- HUNEYCUTT – “#2 Louvena Huneycutt Deese” by Charlie on Carolina Family Roots
- HUNT – “#4 Sarah ‘Sally’ Hunt Eldredge” by Kessa Eldridge on Of Loons and Lady Slippers
- HUNTER – “George Washington Hunter – #1 of 52” by Shannon Thomas on Our Life Picture By Picture
- HURT – “#2 Emma Jennie Hurt” by Kathleen on Ancestry Search
- ILES – “#2 William George Iles” by Janet Iles on Janet the Researcher
- JAEGER – “Margaret (Ida) Jaeger” by Terri O’Connell on Finding Our Ancestors
- JAMES – “Sarah or Sally James Williams (1821-1864)” by Susan Clark on Nolichucky Roots
- JEFFERY – “#2 Margaret Stockwell Jeffery” by Patricia Dever on I Remember You…
- JEROME – “#2 Zerubbabel Jerome” by Celia Lewis on Twigs and Trees
- JOHNSON (maiden name unknown) – “Hester Unknown Johnson” on GeneaDiva’s History, Genealogy and “Stuff”
- JOHNSON – “#2 Jennie Amalie Chilberg, Maiden Name Johnson” by Yvonne on Swedish Thoughts
- JOLLETT – “#2 William Jollett” by Wendy Mathias on Jollett Etc.
- JONES – “Frank Gilmore Jones” by tonihime on Toni’s Journal
- JONES – “Week 3 – Nancy Ellen (Jones) Yeakley” by Ann Hinds on Yeakley/Jones Family History
- KARPINSKI – “#2 Stanislawa Frances Karpinski” by Amanda E. Perrine on Amanda’s Athenaeum
- KELLY – “Miss Lily Alexander Kelly” by Pam on Our Own History
- KELLY – “#2 Melzena Kelly Ramsey, A Life of Loss” by Amy Johnson Crow on No Story Too Small
- KEMPER – “Johannes Kemper – My 6th Great-Grandfather” by Michele Kemper on Shake Your Family Tree
- KIRK – “#2 Silas Kirk” by The Down East Genealogist on Pine Trees and Pedigrees
- KITCHER – “#2 Timothy Kitcher” by Kirsty Gray on Family Wise
- KNUTSON – “Week 2: My Grandmother’s Other Grandmother” (Ragna (Randi) Knutson Locken) by cosmokids on Our Family Tree Tales
- KNUTZ – “#2 Nicolai Knutz – Looking for a Better Life” by Karen on Ancestor Soup
- LANGLEY – “My Dad” (Lester Langley) by Fran Ellsworth on Branching Out Through the Years
- LASKOWSKI – “Magdalena Laskowski Jochim” on We Cannot Know Them All
- LEE – “#1 James Henry Lee” by pwhite1048 on Who ARE You People?
- LINDER – “#1 Helena Linder” by Sheri Curran on The Genealogy Bug
- LINEBERRY – “#2 Jacob Lineberry’s 112th Anniversary” by Donna Brown on DonnaB’s Weblog
- LOUNSBURY – “#2 Frederick Mortimer Lounsbury (1855-1923)” by belovedray on Flyover
- LOWERY – “The Only Grandparent I Remember” (Basil Lowery) by Cindy Freed on Cindy Freed’s Genealogy Circle
- MADDOX – “#2 Susanah Maddox Alkire” by Elizabeth Richards on Scrapping My Family History
- MAGUIRE – “#1 Anthony Maguire” on Maguidhirish Genealogy
- MAPES – “#1 Eva Jane (Mapes) Clark 1900-1988)” by Judy Phillips on Little Bits of Roots & Branches
- MAPES – “#2 Eva Jane Mapes & Sanford Clark” by Judy Phillips on Little Bits of Roots & Branches
- MARCOVICI – “#2 Rosa Marcovici” by Deborah Holman on Who We Are And How We Got This Way
- MARSHALL – “#1 Rhona MacDonald Marshall (1933-2003)” by Alana on A Twig in My Tree
- McMAHON – “Death of Hugh McMahon, 1915-52” by M. Diane Rogers on Newdale, Manitoba, Canada – Genealogy
- MEDLEY – “#2 Elias Medley” by Candy Ditkowski on Heritage, Inheritance, & Legacy
- MEGEE – “Week 2 – Charles Henry Megee” by Connie Yen on Voices From the Past
- MEISBERGER – “#2 Magdalena Meisberger Shuda” by Eileen A. Souza on Old Bones Genealogy
- MELANSON – “Week 2 – 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge” (Magloire Melanson) by passagetothepast on Passage to the Past’s Blog
- MELICK – “#2 Frank Melick” by genohio on Flowers on the Family Tree
- MERCADO – “#1 Felix Vélez Mercado (1905-1953)” by Luis Rivera on Genealogy Under Construction
- MEYER – “Charles Joseph Meyer (1867-1914)” by Miles Meyer on Our Ancestories
- MOLLOY – “#2 Samuel Gilbert Molloy (1898-????)” by Jo on Full Circle Genealogy
- MOON – “My Great Great Aunt Gladys Moon Sears” by Judean on Wise Ancestors
- MOYNAHAN – “52 Ancestors #3” (John Moynahan) by Cindi Foreman on Moynahan Genealogy
- MUELLER – “#2 Jacob Heinrich Mueller” by Niki Davis on Rooted in Foods
- NIXON – “#1 Elizabeth Nixon” by Lisa Gorrell on Mam’ma’s Southern Family
- OATES – “Week 1” (Samuel Robert Oates) by Michelle on My Family History
- OHRT – “#2 A Family Photo” (Emma Catharina Ohrt) by Barbara Schmidt on Barbara Schmidt Genealogy
- OLLOM – “Starting Blog” (Roscoe Richard Ollom) by lookingforancestors on Bowling for Ancestors
- ONGMAN – “#2 Albertina Margarita Ongman” by Beth on A Buckeye Tree
- PALMER – “#2 Ward Kendall Palmer” by J. E. Brooks on Brooks/Norton Beginnings
- PARKER – “#2 Thomas Jefferson Parker” by Karen Batchelor on Extreme Ancestry
- PARRISH – “#1 – Jesse Parrish” by Candy Ditkowski on Heritage, Inheritance, & Legacy
- PARSONS – “#1 Abington Parsons” by Charlie on Carolina Family Roots
- PECK – “Esther B. Peck” by Linda Schreiber on GenealogyRambles
- PETTY – “#2 Samantha Angeline Petty” by Linda McCauley on Documenting the Details
- POE – “#2 Thurman Allen Poe” by Karen Blackmore on Karen’s Genealogy Oasis
- POPKIN – “#2 The Drama of Abraham Popkin” by Rachel Mackin Evans on My Genealogical Ramblings
- PRINCE – “#2 Cyril Francis Prince 1920-1991” by Kirsty Williams on Kirsty’s Creative & Genealogical Blog
- RAWSON – “#2 Lucy – Moving me to song in Yorkshire” (Lucy Rawson) on starryblackness
- REED – “#1 and #2 James Winslow Crider and Anna Reed Crider” by Beverly Harrison on The Hopelessly Hooked Genealogist
- ROBERTS – “#2 Ezra M. Roberts, New Kid on the Block” by Kathy Nemaric on KJN Genealogy
- ROGERS – “#2 Eliza A. Rogers (1854-1907)” by Lisa Gorrell on Mam-ma’s Southern Family
- ROOP – “#2 Walter (Rudzitis) Roop” by Antra on Discovering Latvian Roots
- SALAS – “#2 Rosie Salas (b. ca. 1923)” by Colleen Greene on Colleen and Jeff’s Roots
- SCHRADER – “#1 William Schrader” by Kyla on Bits n Pieces
- SCHULZE – “#2 Anna Schulze Roleke” by Susie on Our Families and Their Untold Stories
- SHAFFER – “#1 Ralph Shaffer” on Chasing Dead Relatives
- SHARP – “Week 3: Joseph Thomas Sharp” by Jeanne Bryan Insalaco on 52 Ancestors Challenge: Ancestor Stories
- SHICK(S) – “Mary Burton Shick(s) Frank Primavera #1” by Rachel Mackin Evans on My Genealogical Ramblings
- SIMMS – “Week 1 – Aunt Dodie” (Doris Ellen Simms Henry) by Sharon S on 52 Ancestors – 52 Weeks
- SMITH – “Walter and Emma Smith Lyman” by Patricia “Pat” Armstrong Watkins on AfriGeneans Talking
- SNYDER – “#2 John Snyder 1854-1925” by Jo Allison Henn on Climbing My Family Tree
- SODERSTROM – “#2 Margaret Nellie (Maggie) Soderstrom Smith” by Dr. Bill Smith on Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
- SOWDER – “untitled” (unknown Sowder) by Cathy Sowders Fern on Remember Me – Remember Me
- SPRAGUE – “Roy D. Sprague” by Dean P. Simmer
- STAPP – “#2 The Stapp Children” by Lacey Frazier on Branches and Twigs
- STONE – “#2 Lucy Stone – Abolitionist and Suffragette” by Leah on Genealogy in West Brookfield, MA
- STOW – “#2 Mary Stow Polstead Suffolk” by Sandra on My Family History Research
- SWEENEY – “#2 John Sweeney” on Lives Entwined
- T – “M.T. & Anna” by Lena on Lena the Rainwoman
- TAIT – “Week 2 – Mary Tait Henry” by Sharon S on 52 Ancestors – 52 Weeks
- TERNES – “#2 Verses at the Drop of a Hat” (Edith Mary Madeline Ternes Reynolds) by Schalene Dagutis on Tangled Roots and Trees
- THOMAS – “#2 Gertrude (Thomas) St. John” by jenasmart on Jen’s Genealogy Pages
- THOMAS – “Joseph Thomas #2 of 52” by Shannon Thomas on Our Life Picture by Picture
- THORP – “Lydia Ann [Thorp] Reddick” on Relative Storyboards
- TOULSON – “Sarah Toulson, Found at Long Last!” by Susan Toulson on Genea-addict
- TREVATHAN – “#2 Harvey David Trevathan” by Debbie Trevathan Hilliard on Past Times of a Native Texan
- TREVATHAN – “#1 James Augusta Trevathan” by Debbie Trevathan Hilliard on Past Times of a Native Texan
- TUCKER – “#1 Calla Tucker’s 1917 Botany Note Book” by MaeveM on From My Material Stash
- TUCKER – “#2 John Tucker born January 29, 1828 – Hampshire, England” by MaeveM on From My Material Stash
- UPTON – “#2 John Upton” by Bill West on West in New England
- WALTON – “Week 2 Merritt Walton” by Larry Sanburg on larrysgroup
- WALTON – “Accepting the Challenge” (William Walton) by Larry Sanburg on larrysgroup
- WEAVER – “Someone No One Remembers Anymore” (Frances Weaver) by Karen on Extreme Genealogy
- WEBB – “#1 Susan Webb – The Perils of Being Given Work Done By Others” on Whereswoolly Now?
- WHITE – “Weeks 1 & 2” (Thomas White and Sophia Harriett Basham) on From Mowat and Beyond
- WILBUR – “My Great Great Grandmother Alice Rose” (Alice Wilbur Quinney Moon Showers Carr) by Judean on Wise Ancestors
- WILKEY – “#1 My Grandmother Cora Mae Wilkey-Esterline-White” by Gwen Eads on Eads and Allied Families
- WITHERELL – “#1 Gard Witherell” by NikiMarie on My People in History
- WITHERELL – “#2 John Witherell” by NikiMarie on My People in History
- WOLCOTT – “#2 Henry Wolcott” by Don Taylor on D. Taylor’s Genealogy
- WOODBURN – “No. 2 – Josephine Woodburn Pittman” by Caroll on Trace Your Genealogy
- WRIGHT – “No. 2 – Gladys Wright Allen” on Montanatude
- YEAKLEY – “Ernest Marvin Yeakley and faith” by Ann Hinds on Yeakley/Jones Family History
- YIELDING – “#2 Sarah Yielding Cargo” by on Roots, Branches, and a Few Nuts
- ZAUGG – “#2 Emma Zaugg” by Diana Ritchie on Random Relatives
- ZINKANN – “#2 Margret (Marguarita) Zinkann Ruthig” by Carol Stevens on Reflections from the Fence
- unknown – “#2 The Challenges of Identifying Family Photographs” by Cindi Foreman on Moynahan Genealogy
Thank you so much for including me in your replay! 212 blogs! We are so lucky you are a librarian who knows how to catalogue well! I am enjoying this so very much, and feel like its opening a whole new world of other genealogists, amateur or not, to get to know! Its very exciting to make the connections! Helen
I agree, Helen! This is a great project and I’m so glad we get to see what everyone is writing about. I’m amazed that 212 of us are participating. Love it!
Can you add mine? Just went live this morning.
Pam — I’ll have it in next week’s recap. I have to keep the cutoff as Tuesday evening, otherwise I will be continually adding to the list. (And then people will miss posts because they’ve already looked at the weekly recap and didn’t go back to see any additions.)
Got it! Thanks!
Great job as always, Amy! I
I love this project! I have been posting ancestor stories – maybe I will have to rename my column and join your very cool bandwagon.
Excited to see all the newest posts in the recap! Thanks for including mine there as well. Cannot wait to read through all of these and see if I can find any hidden cousins 😉
Boy, Amy, you sure loaded up your plate with this one. If everyone keeps posting and more get added each week this will become insane! Your week as Wed through Tue does make sense and I’ll be posting on Friday to make this into “Fifty Two Ancestor Friday”.
212! That’s awesome!! Thank you so much for adding my story about my grandmother Tennie Belle Holcomb!! I finished my second post yesterday on my great-grandmother Wilhelmina Albertina Johannson, and found additional info I didn’t know before!! I believe this challenge is going to help me uncover even more!! Thanks for that too!!
That is a very impressive number of blogs that have joined your challenge. Congratulations on hitting a point of interest with so many people! I’m happy to be taking part, and at this point, somewhat amazed that I’m not seeing any of the many, many names in my family tree on the list.
Thank you, Amy, for coming up with such an appealing challenge and not least for the not inconsiderable work in giving us a list of participants. I have taken part in a number of challenges before and find it frustrating when no link is provided t to other participants who are not on my reading list. . So I do appreciate what you are doing and wish you luck in keeping up with the pace!
Thank you again for sharing this idea. Beyond reading what other’s share, I am excited to see which stories I will find and share over the next year. It’s wonderful that so many are taking the challenge.
Week 2 for those not subscribed:
Thanks for posting mine! Can you please change the URL it directs to? Either to or ? Sorry — the link you have does not render correctly, due to some technology issues with my Wiki.
I am having a blast reading everyone’s posts. Checking out familiar names looking for clues. This was a GREAT idea.
Looking forward to reading all the new posts – so much to read and so little time! I thought I had subscribed but I don’t see a link to my brand new blog –
52 Week Ancestor #2 Newman James Williams at, really getting me motivated! Thanks for the challenge!
There are some really moving stories this week.
I received a comment last night on my week #3 post from Sigrid Bjorkland’s great grandnephew!! So happy that she found her family! Thank you!!!!
That’s great!
Yay!!!!!! A cousin just found my week #2 post! I wish I did this years ago! Thank you!
That’s great!
Hi Amy,
I’m new to this blogging stuff. Do we need to comment on each post we do for you to include it in your weekly recap? Or does it come up automatically because you’re tracking them on Feedly? I’ve never done this before. If we are to post each week, I’ve finished my week 3 post on my blind gg-grandfather Francis Marion Lock(e). The link to this post is
Thanks for taking on this great challenge!!
You don’t need to leave a comment. As long as I have your blog listed on the “Blogs Participating” list, just put “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the title of the post and I should see it in Feedly. Thanks!
The surname recap is an excellent idea. It’s a mighty helpful resource, and I look forward to landing on a common ancestor from someone else’s 52 Ancestors effort.
Amy, I just posted my second ancestor for this week, and I will leave my link. But I am confused as to how or where I should let you know. I want to continue with 52 Ancestors, but need to know that part of it. Thank you!
I have your blog listed in Feedly (the blog reader I use). As long as you include “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the title of your posts, I should find them. Thanks!
I am not sure if you go the corrected blog address and name, but I just posted my second week. Here is the correct information.
Got it. Thank you!
My first blog for the 52 week challenge. I finally completed it. What a great project!
Wonderful! Be sure to put “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the title of your posts that you want included in the weekly recaps. Otherwise, I won’t see them in my blog reader.