52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 18 Recap

52ancestors-week1818. Does this mean the Challenge is officially an adult now?

Denise Hibsch Richmond tells about her ancestor the ice cream maker. (You know you’re jealous 😉 ) My favorite ancestor name this week has to be Pam Schaffners’ Stephen Blizzard Bustin. Karen Acker shares the tragedy of her great-uncle’s death in WWII.

My contribution this week was my 3rd-great-grandmother Martha Harris Orr Starkey, who is a twist in my family tree.

NOTE: I am posting this a week late, due to not being able to get caught up while at the National Genealogical Society conference last week. These posts cover the week ending Tuesday, May 6. I will post Week 19 in a couple of days.


5 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 18 Recap

  1. belleek

    I’m needing to check my feed to you as my posts aren’t showing up. It always happens that I see the emails when I am on my mobile which means I can’t see WordPress properly … When I get to base, I will sort it!

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