We just passed the July 4th weekend. In the U.S., that means Independence Day. (Or, as one of my UK friends put it, “Ungrateful Colonists Day.” Guess it depends on your point of view!)
Among the many good posts I read this week were:
- “#27 Anna Noble Ryan,” by Eileen A. Souza on Old Bones Genealogy. Her ancestor died in a lucky place. (Well, it was lucky for Eileen, not so lucky for her ancestor… )
- “A Baker’s Dozen of Patriots and Loyalists,” by Linda Stufflebean on Empty Branches on the Family Tree. The title says it all!
- “Mary Susan Henderson: Not Forgotten,” by Melissa Wiseheart on A Wise Heart’s Journey. Melissa explains about how she gets tunnel vision with her ancestors and how she broke out of it. (I think we can all relate to that!)
“Real life” has kept me from blogging about my ancestors. I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to resume some family blogging soon. (In the meantime, I have been blogging over on my other site. One post this week even kept with the 52 Ancestors theme this week: “How You Can Honor America’s Second War for Independence.”)
Your Turn
Who did you write about this week? Patriot? Independent spirit? Someone else entirely? (Remember, it is an optional theme!) Leave a comment with a link below. Also take a break from the summer heat and read the posts from Week 26. As always, there are some wonderful stories there!)
Upcoming Optional Themes:
- Week 28 (July 9-15) – Road Trip
- Week 29 (July 16-22) – Musical
- Week 30 (July 23-29) – Challenging
She was captured by Indians in 1790, at the age of 12, and held captive for 5 years. Upon her release she went on to live a full life; she must have had an independent, forgiving spirit.
Sarah Shipley (MITCHELL) Thompson (1778-1855)
Kidnapped by Indians
I wrote about independence – how we have very independent women in the family and how as they aged they fought to stay independent.
This week my blog is about “Those Independent Billinghurst sisters” – from Sussex England my 1st cousins 4 times removed
GERSBACHER – Week 27 “Independent”: Augusta Marie “Gussie” Gersbacher
My great-grandmother’s sister, an independent woman.
Does an occupation with a lot of moving around make a man and his family dependent or independent?
52 Ancestors: #27 The Sheep Herder’s Family
by Cathy Meder-Dempsey at Opening Doors in Brick Walls
I previously wrote about the ordeal that Mary Jackson Campbell faced in proving her husband’s Revolutionary War service. Why couldn’t the government find John Campbell’s records?
“John Campbell – Finding the Family Patriot” http://wp.me/p4ioO6-f2
Thanks for the shout out! I hope it helps others think about who they may have overlooked. I know I’ll have to keep reminding myself.
Samuel Jackson Holland – no. 43 (week 27) – death was always nearby early in his life
p.s., I’m in single digits now to make it to my first 52!
I wrote about two individuals who had their birthdays on July 4th, AFTER the War of Independence. Guy Joseph Kuhn, and Susanna Kuhn
Patriots and Loyalists
HENSON, William – my paternal 4th great grandfather fought as a patriot in North Carolina in the Revolutionary War. Did he get all the pension he deserved? My father was the first of his line to be born in Canada where we celebrate our national holiday on July 1 rather than on July 4. But I chose this week to write about my extensive paternal roots in the US that I know less about.
Thomas Adkins 1760-1845
Revolutionary War patriot born in South Carolina.
Martin ADSIT (my 4th ggf) was a Revolutionary War patriot from New York.
Frederick DURYEE (1755-1831/2) was a Private from NJ in the Revolutionary War. He later moved to NY.
#27 – Three Captives and an Immigrant
You know, I swear these are getting harder, not easier.
SHEPHERD – Elizabeth Shepherd (1766-1830s), Frontierswoman, 52 Ancestors #79
Somehow I missed this one and double posted Elizabeth Shepherd. Apologies.
BROWN – Lydia Brown (c1790-1840/1850), Buried or Attending a Wedding, 52 Ancestors #78
This week I chose to write about Jonas Fairbanks (1625-1676) and how he demonstrated his independent streak in how he chose to dress.
EMERY, John – an immigrant to had an independent streak that landed him in court a time or two. http://mymaineancestry.blogspot.com/2015/07/an-independent-streak-52-ancestors-27.html
I blogged about my 2nd great grandfather, Solomon Avery, who is one of the only Rev War patriots I haven’t written about!
I wrote about my most researched Revolutionary War veteran, Walter Dickerson:
Amy Johnson Crow, thank you for mentioning my post this week.
RYAN – 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #27 Anna Noble Ryan by Eileen Souza at Old Bones Genealogy.
I had an interesting find today so this week I would like to highlight my great aunt Anna Noble. Anna was the daughter of Thomas and Margaret (McGinn) Noble…
SMITH–Ebenezer Smith–Another Patriot Fighting for Freedom
Here is my blog about one of my other ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War.
I wrote about my grand aunt Eloise Thompson Bryant Grigsby and her independent spirit. Here’s the link: http://www.howdidigetheremyamazinggenealogyjourney.com/2015/07/52-ancestors-2015-edition-27-eloise.html
Not on the theme, just writing what I know about my great grandparents Emery and Minnie Thompson Glidden
I wrote about my 6th great grandfather Philip Frisbee, who served in the Revolutionary war.
I wrote about my grandfather who had his name changed to Maldre from Mendelmann as part of Estonia’s growing nationalism after gaining independence. “What’s in a name?” at https://maldrejarosik.wordpress.com/2015/07/12/maldre/
HAND, Samuel – He was a Loyalist whose idea of independence was very different from his family. His son fought in the American Revolution and Samuel’s father left him out of the will when he died because he was so angry with Samuel.
MAXWELL – George Maxwell, my 5th GGF – he was one of the Overmountain Men who fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain. My Pinterest board address here: