52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 23 Recap

52ancestors-2015-23Yes, this recap is a day later than usual. It has been an incredibly hectic week and a half.

My mom ended up having surgery on Tuesday. She’s doing well, thankfully. But as you might expect, I have had zero time to write and little time to read. (Even when I have had time, my mind hasn’t exactly been in “reading and writing” mode.)

I did see some wonderful 52 Ancestors posts this past week, but honestly, I was too scatterbrained to bookmark them to highlight them in this week’s recap.

Who Did You Write About?

Who did you write about last week? Leave a comment with a link and a little bit about your ancestor. And since the weather is so hot, crank up the A/C and read the posts from Week 22. Someone might have written about an ancestor of yours!

Upcoming Optional Themes:

  • Week 24 (June 11 – 17) – Heirloom
  • Week 25 (June 18 – 24) – The Old Homestead
  • Week 26 (June 25 – July 1) – Halfway

39 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 23 Recap

  1. Cheryl Biermann Hartley

    ANNA of KIEV

    My cousin Gary Barlow guest blogs again this week about his ancestor, Anna of Kiev.

    Anna of Kiev – A Notable Royal Wedding for France and My Family Tree (by Gary Barlow)

    Sorry about your mother, Amy. I empathize, as my mother-in-law was diagnosed a few weeks ago with pancreatic cancer, and I have been staying with her to help her deal with the news and her treatments. I am grateful to Gary Barlow for helping me out this week.

  2. pen4hire

    David KASER (1853-1923), one of my father’s uncles, lived with his parents when he first married. His bride, 8 years younger than he, was pregnant. He was working as a carpenter, the first of many jobs he held. Although he had to work hard at whatever job he could get or invent in order to support his large family, he must have enjoyed the outlet of playing Tuba in the community band with many relatives.


  3. terstriep

    I wrote about my great grandmother’s weddings and how her perspective on life must have been very different at these two weddings.

  4. robertajestes

    CRUMLEY – William Crumley the Second (c1789-c1839) Methodist, Miller, Pioneer

    This man and his son, by the same name, are making me crazy…..plus, they lived on a creek with two branches with the same name, that transected two states, and they owned land on both branches in both states. Pulling my hair out on this one…


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