Week 13! Thirteen isn’t usually seen as a lucky number, but I think there’s a lot to be said for Week 13. It marks the 1/4 mark in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge!
Eileen Souza of Old Bones Genealogy wrote about her black sheep relative William T. Meisberger, who gave a lesson on why you should look at out-of-town newspapers. Caroll Budny of Trace Your Genealogy wrote about “Frisky! Alex Rusenko and Nervous Nellie.” You’ll want to see what was written on Alex’s border crossing record. Elizabeth Handler of From Maine to Kentucky wrote about how differences between spouses might account for the many divorces of her grandfather Charles Pyle.
The optional theme in Week 13 was “Different.” You could say that I followed the theme by doing something different. I didn’t write about anyone in my family tree. I might “catch up” next week… or I might not. Remember — this is supposed to be a “low stress” challenge
Your Turn
Who did you write about last week? Also, while you’re waiting for the Easter Bunny to show up, take a look at the great writing from Week 12.
Upcoming Themes:
- Week 14 (Apr 2 – 8) – Favorite Photo
- Week 15 (Apr 9 – 15) – How Do You Spell That?
- Week 16 (Apr 16 – 22) – Live Long
- Week 17 (Apr 23 – 29) – Prosper
The April themes post has ideas for ways you might think about the optional weekly themes.
Benedict, Robert Russell —The 3rd brother in the series of Stormy Weather, Same and Different.
I wrote about a second cousin twice removed, who had one of the most tragic lives I discovered to date in my family tree, as different from my own life as it is possible to be.
Elizabeth Muir (BRODIE) Lively (1874-1910)
From Tragedy to Tragedy
Colonel Augustine MOORE (circa 1680-1794) – Colonial Virginia Slave Broker/Trader and Tobacco Merchant. We are different not only in the eras in which we live(d), but also in how we value human life. Even when considering the time during which he lived, I find it difficult to fathom the beliefs about human life value differences he must have held in order to participate willingly in the highest levels of the slave trade. – http://shaketree.blogspot.com/2015/03/colonel-augustine-moore.html
PLease, please post May themes next week! I will have little internet access from mid April through May and would love to have my posts ready to go before we leave on our trip. Thanks.
I’ll see what I can do
Different approach ~ Instead of discussing the birth, marriage, and death records, I chose to focus on the census records of this family from Luxembourg.
52 Ancestors: #13 The MEDER-REIFFER Family of Diekirch 1807-1930
by Cathy Meder-Dempsey at Opening Doors in Brick Walls
Mary Wright STEBBINS (24) married Edmund GREENLEE (21) on 10 April 1832.
Their twin boys wrote the Greenlee Genealogy(1908) and in it, their tribute to their mother. Mary (with her mother and siblings) moved from New York to Western Pennsylvania: “The household goods were brought in an ox-cart, the family traveling most of the way on foot.”
Finding details about the life of a female ancestor can be difficult – unless she was as “different” as my ancestor Herodias Long.
@Joanne Barnard
Herodias Long is my ancestor, too! Hello, cousin!
(Why don’t my replies show up where I put them?)
This week, I wrote about my 7th great-grandmother on the TERWILLIGER line, Sytie JACOBZ van ETTEN – who had 11 boys and 1 girl. Now there’s a different challenge!
This week, I looked at a completely different surname for my grandfather, Lloyd Albert SCHRADER:
Phyllis KASER Shoup, my cousin was the most glamourous, sophisticated bride I had ever seen.
The fact that I was 7 and she was 25, and this was the first wedding I’d experienced–had nothing to do with my opinion, of course.
From War Work in Washington to Post-War Wedding. A wedding photo with me as flower girl.
Thanks for the shout out about my grandfather Pyle!
You’re welcome! I enjoyed reading it!
Two different brothers and their life stories (as I know them) from near Ottawa, Canada.
Ellis MacDonald Kinnaird (1921- 1996) http://ssimms64.blogspot.ca/2015/03/ellis-macdonald-kinnaird-1921-1996.html and
Orval Francis Kinnaird http://ssimms64.blogspot.ca/2015/03/orval-francis-kinnaird-1913-1993.html
Louisa Abigail ROE (nee Boulton) 1878-1963
Includes a 100+ year old “I will not quarrel with my brother” note. Some things never change!
This week, while still looking at snow outside my window, I focused on a different migration. There’s another difference here- a decision I’d hope to handle differently.
SMITH, Sarah Maria, 1830-1911
This week, I looked at unique names in my tree: http://bit.ly/1HneM7Y
TYLER, Job – described as “evil incarnate”
Job was, as I am, a fierce protector of his family – but the methods and manner of protection he used is very different than what I would have done…or so I would like to believe.
ANDREWS, DESHAZO/DE CHAZEAUX – My 3rd great grandmother, Narcissa (DeShazo) Andrews left several letters with news about her family. But I so wished she had mentioned her mother – so I could know just who this mystery woman was! Was her mother one of her father’s wives or was she one of the supposed many “girlfriends” he had? My Pinterest board address here:
COATES, Mary Robinson married a COMPTON. Mary was different from her other 5 siblings who remained behind in South-east England while she journeyed across the Atlantic to start a new life in PEI Canada. Mary was my adventurous maternal great-great-grandmother.
ANDREWS, Rebecca – Accused witch – her two-year old daughter fell into a well and drowned, she lost her mind and ended up in prison. Her husband fled to avoid the accusations against him and left her alone to face the trials and tribulations.
It’s been a long week and I forgot to add the link.
Lilla Lorene HALL, known by one and all as Lorene, 1919-2007, was a woman of her time. She was best known as a homemaker and devoted mother.
for the topic Different, I wrote about Samuel Aaron Hedrick, who hit his brother-in-law in the face with a bullwhip-I don’t believe that is something that I would do! Sadly, the brother-in-law then shot Sam and killed him.
HALVORSON, OTTERHOLT – Week 13 “Different”: Aaste Halvorsdatter Otterholt
My 2nd-great-grandmother, described as “a woman of great presence” who took charge wherever she was.
Everything about Anna Maria Augusta Müller was different from what I expected. This is also a lesson on how important it is to find ALL of the children, if you want to find those elusive German birthplaces.
Anna Maria Augusta Müller – Born in a Different Place – 52 Ancestors 2015 #13
My great grandfather, Harry Jackson, behaved in a way during his divorced to my great grandmother that was abominable–definitely different than I would have done! http://www.researchjournal.yourislandroutes.com/2015/03/52-ancestors-what-harry-jackson-did-that-estranged-him-from-his-daughters/
My different Morgan ancestors. Irish paternal and Welsh maternal.
My ancestor this week was my grandmother Edith Meriden Docwra. http://loiswillis.com/?p=3867 She acted differently than what would have been expected at the time.
This week’s theme was “different.” I couldn’t really think of anything so I opted to write about a male ancestor, and since I am unmarried, I decided to write about one who had been married more than once. Apparently, my great great great uncle was quite the charmer and I learned more about him than I probably ever wanted to know.
RAKESTRAW, George William
HALL, Richmal my 2x great grandmother had a “different” or rater uncommon first name.
This week I wrote about the difference between 2 CASEY siblings (Thomas and Catherine) and the number of photos that have passed down the various lines
WALTON, Sister Mary Bertrand: She was a math wizard who was a professor at Marywood College in Scranton, PA.
Eliza Amanda Holland – no. 29 (week 13). I still have lots of questions about her. http://denise-livinginthepast.blogspot.com/2015/03/52-ancestors-no-29-eliza-amanda-holland.html
I’ve always thought of myself as a hard worker, and my genealogy work on my own family has led me to believe that I must have gotten the worker-bee gene from my ancestors. One of them, however, my maternal 3x great grandfather, Preston Denton (1811-1860), seems to have been hiding behind a door when that gene was handed out. “Was Preston Denton a Ne’re-Do-Well?”
YOUNGER – Mary Younger (c1766-1820/1830), A Really Rough Decade
Younger family from Halifax County, Virginia.
MEIGS, Mark – Was the black sheep of the family for making moves on a woman
New story to me, Judy! My line went through Vincent 1, John 2, , Mary 3; and then eventually through Stevens to the Buell line & down. I’ve enjoyed digging into information from such an early time. Thanks for reminding me about the Meigs book – I’ve downloaded it now, and will be digging through it and other resources. And I’ll definitely be adding more about that challenging man, Mark!
PERTIET – Twins born on 2 days apart from each other.
She’s my ancestor, too! Hello, cousin!
ADAIR, Alexander
I have been writing about the 3 Adair brothers who served in the Civil War from Green County, Wisconsin. Alexander Adair served in a different regiment than his brothers Charles and Ezra who served in the same battalion.
This week I wrote about my paternal 3rd great grandmother Clara Kerr of Sampson County, NC. http://www.howdidigetheremyamazinggenealogyjourney.com/2015/04/52-ancestors-2015-edition-13-clara-kerr.html
This week I wrote about my grandmother
Sorry to be a copycat, but I also blogged about Herodias Long, because that was such a good idea! She was different than her Puritan surroundings in SO many ways!
MOYNAHAN: Rev. Ray Moynahan (1904-1980) Ontario priest http://moynahangenealogy.blogspot.ca/2015/04/52-ancestors-no-13-rev-ray-moynahan.html
MEISBERGER – 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #13 – Meet the Not So Honorable William T. Meisberger (1869 – 1929) by Eileen Souza at Old Bones Genealogy.
This ancestor definitely behaved in a manner different than what they “should” have done. I am speaking about my maternal great-grand uncle, William Theodore Meisberger.
Frederick Augustus Kober II (1796-1851)
John Gisel, 3x Great-Grandfather, born 1843 in Switzerland, died 1923 in Ohio
Rosalie Balieu, from Belgium to Pennsylvania, died young from postpartum psychosis. http://gatheringbranches.blogspot.com/2015/04/52-ancestors-week-13-rosalie-balieu.html
I wrote about Sancha De Ayala, one of the most “different” ancestors I have, the only non-Caucasian I’ve found so far!
I’m a little behind schedule. This post took a long time to write! Think I’ll stick to ancestors who lived short lives! My great grandmother ANNA O’CONNELL FAULKNER lived to be 100 1/2.
Catching up with the rest…. This post was different and not an easy subject….http://shelleyskylinejourney.com/2015/04/17/52-ancestors-week-13-different/
Work and family committments means I’m really running behind with the challenge but this is the story of my great, great grandmother, Mary Ann Helferty whose life was certainly different to what I expected.
TARDY but catchin’ up bit by bit… Only half a dozen?? behind now… 😀 😉
My Week 13, “Different” entry: https://themixthatmakesupme.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/same-name-different-people-different-era-52-ancestors-13/
Very late but still there!
In English: http://www.huboutourvillegenealogy.com/wp/?p=1090
In French: http://www.huboutourvillegenealogy.com/wpfr/?p=942