52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 12 Recap

52ancestors-2015-12March Madness is in full swing. If your bracket is like mine, let’s just say that there’s always next year. (I’ve long held a theory that genealogists like March Madness because the brackets look like ancestor charts.)

Hollie Ann Henke at Relativity wrote about Hugh Clark, her 4th-great-grandfather and fellow music lover. Andrea Kelleher of How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey told about her 3rd-great-grandfather Jacob Kerr and how she’s sorting out the wheres and whens of his life. (I love the use of Google Earth!) Colleen Greene of Colleen & Jeff’s Roots shared the reason why she’s beginning the search for her biological mother. (Colleen — we all wish you well as you start that journey.)

The optional theme this week was “Same.” I featured the only other Amy in my database: Amy Skinner, daughter of my 4th-great-grandparents Robert and Elizabeth (Spencer) Skinner. The post is almost more about her minister and how he provided insight into Amy’s life.

Your Turn

Who did you write about this past week? Leave a comment with a link to your post and the name and a bit about the ancestor. (Cousin bait!) Also, take a look at the posts from Week 11. Reading some of those might help you forget about how poorly your bracket is doing.


Upcoming Themes:

  • Week 13 (Mar 26 – Apr 1) – Different
  • Week 14 (Apr 2 – 8) – Favorite Photo
  • Week 15 (Apr 9 – 15) – How Do You Spell That?
  • Week 16 (Apr 16 – 22) – Live Long
  • Week 17 (Apr 23 – 29) – Prosper

The April themes post has ideas for approaching the optional weekly themes.

54 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 12 Recap

  1. Cheryl Biermann Hartley

    For years, I believed that the maiden name of my 2x great-grandmother was HELFRICH. This is the long saga of my research that proved her real name was Catharine Elsasser and the DNA connections that lead me to ask:

    Peter Elsasser of Vicksburg, Mississippi – Are You the Same as My Great, Great Granduncle? 52 Ancestors 2015 #12

    I also successfully found her birthplace in Vinningen, Sudwestpfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.


  2. Elizabeth Wilson Ballard

    Two weeks ago, I had written about Maude Olive (BUSSELL) KUHN giving birth during the 25 June 1902 cyclone in central Indiana. Turns out I goofed and got the giving birth date wrong. Please accept my apologies and this post that is the SAME topic as two weeks ago.

    Maude Olive (BUSSELL) KUHN – *Protecting a One Week Old Baby* During a Cyclone

  3. Shannon

    Edmund GREENLEE, born in 1811, was a successful dairy farmer and a prolific inventor: “Among the labor-saving devices Edmund created was a line of wooden-barrel making machines he patented when (his children) were young.” “In 1860, at the time that Drake first struck oil at Titusville, PA, Mr. Greenlee adapted his machinery to the manufacture of oil barrels.”


  4. pen4hire

    I have Cochrans (without the ‘e’) in my ancestry who I believe came from Scotland. Most settled in West Virginia or Ohio. MIne were Guernsey County Ohio. Any connection?


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