52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 35 Recap

52ancestors-week35Last week, I attended the Federation of Genealogical Societies conference in San Antonio. It’s always good to see old friends, make some new ones, and talk genealogy. If you’ve never been to a genealogy conference, I urge you to go to one. They are invigorating! Can’t make it to one of the national ones, like FGS, NGS, or RootsTech? Check out the conference held by your state genealogical society. Even if you don’t have ancestors in the state where you live, you’ll learn all sorts of things that will help you with your research. Plus, you’ll get to spend time talking with people who understand the Genealogy Happy Dance.

Now it’s time for Week 35 of the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge. Leave the link to your latest post in the comments below. (Be sure to include your ancestor’s name so others can find you!)

While you’re here, check out the great posts from Week 34!

60 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 35 Recap

  1. Maeve Mitchell

    Here are my last two – I have caught up!

    RICHES/ARTIS – #34 Peter Riches and Ann Artis – They Crossed an Ocean and Settled in Different Countries

    GRAVES – #35 Samuel Graves and his Descendants – First of My Graves Family in America

    Now I have two days to get the next one done!

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