52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 25 Recap

52ancestors-week25I’m back! Thank you to everyone who posted their posts in the comments the last two weeks. I appreciate it. There was no way I could have done the recaps while I was gone.

This recap covers June 18-24.

Cathy Meder-Dempsey shared the story of Rachel Proffitt, a War of 1812 widow who struggled to receive her pension. Jackie Holloway told the tragic story of Henderson Crutchfield. Schalene Dagutis revealed that her ancestor who marriage happy. Speaking of being “marriage happy,” Colleen Greene’s great grandmother might have been a bigamist.

My two posts while I was away didn’t publish. (It might have had something to do with me not schedule it…) My #23 and #24 were Isaac and Margaret (Morrison) McKitrick. I have #25 (which should be this week’s) almost ready, but have not had a chance to put it together. Geez, now I’m behind in my own Challenge…

11 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge: Week 25 Recap

  1. robertajestes

    I must say, I’m very impressed by how many people are continuing to write their 52 ancestors stories. I look forward to your recap every week, missed it when you were gone, and am always hopeful to find a familiar surname:) Thanks Amy!

  2. Vera Marie Badertscher

    Funny, that you featured Rachael Proffitt’s –might have been a bigamist story, since my story this week about Jesse Morgan (See link in list above) the 49er is about a guy who may well have been a bigamist. Is it bigamist week at #52 weeks?

  3. tammy

    I noticed that my great grand uncle’s last name is misspelled in the recap. It should be “Aardestrup” with an ‘r’ as the third letter. Thank you again for all of your work with this challenge. It certainly has been interesting! :-)

  4. Marcy Belles

    Misspelling on my ancestor’s last name as well. Should be Pflughaupt (not Phlughaupt).

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