52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 7 Recap

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 7Week 7, 2015 style, was certainly a hectic one. FGS 2015. RootsTech. Travel to and from said FGS and RootsTech, Meeting friends, old and new. And, oh yeah, a little bit of research and writing mixed in for good measure.

It was wonderful seeing so many of you in Salt Lake City. I hope to meet more of you in the coming weeks as Genealogy Conference Season heats up. I hope that’s literally “heats up,” as I’m really tired of below zero temps here in central Ohio! (You can check out my take on FGS/RootsTech here. Note: It’s more than just the records.)

The theme for Week 7 was “Love.” (What else would you expect in the week that has Valentine’s Day?) Karen Field Busch of Vorfahrensucher.de took the opportunity to explain the wedding photo that’s at the top of her blog. (Though the site is in German, there is a “translate” option on the right-hand side of the page.) Kerryn Taylor of AncestorChasing told the tale of her husband’s Catholic ancestor who went against convention and married a Protestant girl.

Remember that the themes each week are optional. You don’t have to use them. Vera Marie Badertscher of Ancestors in Aprons wrote about how she made a breakthrough in researching her great-grandfather Joseph Kaser. Check it out — she has some great tips in there.

My contribution this week was my great-great-grandfather Eber Johnson. I took a look at some concrete ways that the Civil War affected his life, especially how it changed the kind of farming he did.

So bundle up, leave a comment with the name of the ancestor you wrote about in Week 7, and a link to your post. While your at it, take a look at the entries from Week 6. It’ll make you forget all about the cold.

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 7 themeUpcoming Themes:

  • Week 8 (Feb 19-25) – Good Deeds
  • Week 9 (Feb 26 – Mar 4) – Close to Home
  • March themes

81 thoughts on “52 Ancestors Challenge 2015: Week 7 Recap

    1. Patti Di Loreto

      Hi Lynda – in case you didn’t see my reply to you on the Week 6 recap – just wanted to say it again: I love what you did for this week’s theme!

  1. pen4hire

    Thanks for the mention, Amy. (I did the love theme–just LAST week since it fit my parents love life better).

    Delving into my father’s line–the Kasers, I revisit my great-grandfather with some big breakthroughs I’ve had in the past year. I thought he was my brickwall, but because of unexpected discoveries, I’ve gone back four more generations (stay tuned).

    Joseph KASER: Finding Joseph the Carpenter


  2. Patti Di Loreto

    BORDER REIVERS: When people think of Scotland, they think of the Highland Scots, but there were also the Great Riding Families of the Anglo/Scottish Borders – on both sides. Part of a unique criminal society born out of adversity, they spent their lives on horseback and lived by plunder. They lived for, fought for & were loyal only to their surname. These riding clans were forcibly broken up after the Union of the Crowns with James VI & I’s “Pacification of the Borders.”

    I LOVE to research them! So, on my Pinterest Board, “52 Ancestors on Pinterest,” I have pictures & short video excerpts featuring this people & society from which some of my ancestors descend:


      1. Patti

        Thank you Schalene! Some of those Lowland Scots could be very “industrious” – ha! I have a friend whose Lowland Scottish ancestors were doing quite a brisk business in various *smuggling* ventures! By the way, you have some fascinating stories on your blog – just read “Daniel and the Soldier Ants – yikes!

  3. labwriter

    Week 7/52 with the “Love” theme–I love researching the community I call the Flat Branch Bunch of Flat Branch Township, Shelby County, Illinois, c.1830-1870.

    My 2x great grandmother, Eliza Jane Campbell, was the first in her Campbell line to be born outside of Carter County, Tennessee. She lived her whole life in the Shelby County / Montgomery County area, marrying and burying three husbands: Eliza Jane Campbell Simmons Gordon Denton.


  4. oldbonesgenealogy

    MEISBERGER – 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #7 – I Love to Research Michel Meisberger (1812 – 1878) and His Family by Eileen A. Souza at Old Bones Genealogy

    I really do love to research Michel Meisberger and his wife and sons and daughters mostly because of the wealth of information I have been able to find on this family.


  5. Elizabeth Wilson Ballard

    Because I have been behind on quite a few things, because my birthday occurred during the past week and it “brings up stuff,” and because my brain was a bit fried from writing, I took a break this week and listed instead my blog posts from the start of 2014, categorized by which of my parents descend from them, and clumped into groups if they “go together” on the same family line.

    I may take one more week’s break, or maybe not. :)

    Ancestors for Week 7 – 52 Ancestors

  6. Lisa / Smallest Leaf

    Hello Amy! This is my very first contribution to your “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks” Challenge! My contribution for this week’s theme (LOVE) is the February 15th marriage of my great-grandparents – this month is their 110th anniversary. Theirs was a great journey together – from beginnings in a rural Croatian area of Austria-Hungary to busy New York City. This is their story: http://100inamerica.blogspot.com/2015/02/winter-wednesday-wedding-110th.html

    1. Amy Johnson Crow Post author

      I’ve never heard that phrase, but I like it! Somehow, I doubt they exchanged Christmas cards after that. 😉


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