It seems as if the favorite activity of genealogists when it’s snowing is to hunker down and do some research. It sure beats shoveling the driveway, that’s for sure!
The theme for Week 4 of 52 Ancestors was “Closest to Your Birthday.” It’s a fun way to look at the people in your family tree. For Judy Everett Ramos, that person was a girl named Frank. Cara Jensen of Sherlock Homes almost shares a birthday with her grandfather; her photos are great! Julie Goucher of Anglers Rest took a different view of birthdays, and explored some children who were born and died between census years.
I share a birthday with several people in my family tree. I focused on my great-grand-aunt Addie Sarah Kelley. Maybe I should call her my great-grand-maiden-aunt.
Leave a link in the comments to your Week 4 ancestor (whether or not you followed the theme)! Be sure to give the name of your ancestor — it makes it easier for cousins to find you!
Upcoming Optional Themes:
- Week 5 (Jan 29 – Feb 4) – Plowing Through
- February themes
This week, I wrote about my great-great grandmother, an immigrant who was born exactly 150 years before me (or should I say I was born exactly 150 years after her!). She gave birth to one of her children during the voyage from Germany to New York City in 1851.
Barbara (GENGEL) HAAS (1816-1899): Gave Birth on the Voyage to America
Patrick Brawley was born in1884. He was my great grandfather’s brother. I’m sure he broke some hearts but I can’t help but like him.
Kansas was a territory from 1854 to 1861 and then it became a state. In 1855, my 3x great grandfather, Henry Bennett, and his family settled on the prairie in this newly named Kansas Territory. They dealt with the slavery issue, sending off sons to fight in the Civil War, statehood, a severe drought and more.
Henry Bennett (1815-1903):
Eva Belle Wilder Lemon was born 90 years and 2 days before I was. But I think we were closer than that. (This story has a graphic newspaper article on her death from a fire. Please don’t read if you’re squeamish.)
My 2nd great grandfather died in a house fire in 1894. The article was similarly graphic. :/
This week, I wrote about one of my immigrant ancestors from the Alsace area, Johann Jacob HECKENDORN, my 5th great-grandfather.
Well, that’s not correct! Johann Jacob is my 4th great, the post is about Reinhard Jacob Heckendorn. I need to train my fingers to type what my head is thinking. 😉
This week I wrote about the three children my Great Grandparents (Charles & Annie Prudence BUTCHER nee HARRIS) had that did not survive to adulthood.
By coincidence my Great Grandmother’s birthday was a few days before mine in October.
Dionys DANIEL (1784-1873) from Niederscheyern, Bavaria was my 4th great-grandfather and almost shares my birthday.
Rebecca BRIGGS, my paternal 9th great grand aunt, who was christened on 25 Oct 1600 and married Thomas CORNELL circa 1620. Her story involves intrigue, matricide, a ghost’s testimony as part of court proceedings, and being related to Lizzie Borden (of axe whacks fame)! –
Very interesting story!
Thank you for taking the time to read it!
WILDINGER and FOURNELLE from Echternach, Luxembourg
by Cathy Meder-Dempsey at Opening Doors in Brick Walls
52 Ancestors: #4 The Plumber/Tinsmith and the Seamstress
This week I focused on Sarah Bing Still, though I did touch on several.
Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman
Genealogical Gems
I was born exactly 110 years after my great-great grandfather Arthur BELKNAP of Ohio.
This week I focused on my 3rd great-grandmother, Catherine Kerr Oder of Bellefontaine, Ohio.
Closest to my birthday: I have several living relatives with birthdays on the same day as mine. My mother’s birthday is only three days before mine and she is also still living. I chose my Grand-Aunt Lucille Kell because she is no longer with us and so she qualifies as my ancestor with the closest birthday.
I chose Magnus Jonasson, my Grandfather’s Grandmother’s Father, we share the exact same birthday (separatede by 224 years!
HOUCHIN, Robert 1932-1952 b. Indiana
This was a relative that shared my birthday, but I knew nothing about him other than he died in the Korean War. My research led me on a journey that revealed a surprising and sad story.
James Gates, James Gates, where are you?
BUTTS, Giles Allen
Talk about premature baby! Giles Allen was born less than a month after his parents were married and a few weeks before his father left for the Civil War. Although I don’t go out of my way to follow the theme, it turned out that one of his sons shared my birthday.
Bonus: Check out Giles’ father’s letter home from the Civil War with its heart-breaking portrayal of the life of the Union infantry marching through the Carolinas.
Mabel Condon 1895-1923. Using a personal autobiography of one of her sons to piece the life together of my Great Grandmother.
Jane Murdie Bullen lived in New York State and Wisconsin and would be celebrating her birthday this week, as am I.
GINGER, Dora Bell (1860 – 1957) She traveled from IL to AR to OK, married 3 men, and had 11 children. While her birthday is no where near mine, she died 18 years and 4 days before I was born.
My 9th great grandfather Stephen Gates and I share a birthday — albeit 298 years apart. But when I looked at him, he didn’t hook into my line where I expected he would — instead, he led me to an examination of one of many instances where I am my own cousin. I also looked briefly at my Gates family’s involvement with the failed attempt to put Jane Grey on the throne of England in 1553.
I like this “I am my own cousin” line – in a series of fiction books by Tamar Myers, the main character says something like even when its just her and a sandwich she is having a family reunion.
I wrote about my grandmother. Her birthday was the day before mine. She was devoted to family, church, and volunteer work.
SCHROEDER, Dolores Louise
My paternal grandmother and I (almost) share a birthday, so she was an easy choice for this theme. Agnes Hoekstra Roorda, 1894-1924. Born in Iowa, died in Colorado. Her life was shortened by tuberculosis, a disease which I discuss at length in one of my posts relating to Agnes.
Anna Olauson, sister of my great-grandmother, was born on December 1st. My birthday is December 2nd. Anna is a bit of a mystery to me, so it was interesting to write about her!
I wrote about MYSELF, in conjunction with the Week #2 Genealogy Do-over task to complete a self interview and write a bio.
RICHARDS–George Fisher Richards–Happy Birthday. This is my great uncle. His birthday is one day before mine.
Jordan BRIDGE d 1546, and a bit of ‘Synister labor, Craft and subtilite’ in conning his brother out of the inheritance.
One of my OPS residents, wish he was an ancestor…well, he may have been I suppose…
Voerman, Johanna Petronella (Bezouwe) – my birthday eve ancestor whose vital records are extremely detailed.
This ancestor and I share the same birthdate.
BRASSARD – #4 Dorothée Brassard, a 17th century woman
In my direct ancestral line Harriet Vitty was born 2 days and more than 175 years before me!
Theodora (MORACK) Knapp VanDusen Barr (1914-2006)
Man Crazy (Closest to My Birthday)
Theodora married at least three times in her life, leaving her first husband with five small children to raise alone.
WILLIAMSON — “Mary Ann Williamson, Who Knitted Her Way to Indianapolis” on Green Family Archives.
My 4th great grandmother and I share a birthday and a fondness for knitting!
I share a birthday with my great-grandfather, John F. Beermann; but, there’s more! He and my great-grandmother, Anne Schulte, married on his birthday, so I also share their anniversary, as well.
John F. Beermann – Closest to My Birthday – 52 Ancestors 2015 – #4
SHAFER, Christina
Christina Shafer Dellinger, my 5th great grandmother, has a birthday 3 days after mine. She was the daughter of German immigrants to York County, Pennsylvania.
Wilder, Submit – Submit shares my birthday, almost 200 years apart.
HENSON, Henry Angus
Although I only met him once, my paternal grandfather celebrated his birthday 1 day before mine.
I have two 7th great-grandfathers who share my birthday:
Nathaniel OWEN
I love 17th century Massachusetts Vital Records!
STRAUSSER, Peter L. – 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #4 Peter L. Strausser (1852 – 1919) by Eileen A. Souza at Old Bones Genealogy.
The suggested theme for this week was to write about an ancestor whose birthday was the closest to mine. I searched my database and came up with three candidates. I finally selected my 2nd cousin 4x removed, Peter L. Strausser, who was born on 25 January 1852 in Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
EBNER, Monika Ebner
I share my birthday with two living relatives and one fairly recently deceased relative, but I chose to go back in time and look at a direct ancestor rather than a collateral relative, and wrote about my 6th-great-grandmother.
Thanks for the mention!
My great grandpa, Charley Jones, and I were both born on October 15th. He had stunning blue eyes. My daddy had them, too. Me … I got the Irish green!
This week was a struggle for me. Probably because I wanted to do the theme, but my ancestor was a brick wall. I wrote about my 3rd great grandmother Margaret Roberts Bass born on April 1. I was born on April 2, thankfully missing being labeled an April Fool Baby all my life!
Dobson, Nicholas Stuart – A Hairdresser awarded Freedom of the City
MURPHY, Earl Lloyd – #20 (week 4) – this one is personal for me
PUTNAM, Timothy II 4x great grandfather closest birthday to mine, just a couple hundred years before.
MUNCY – Samuel Muncy (1761/1768-1839) Who’s Your Daddy, Your Mamma and Your Kids?
My dad’s youngest brother and I share the same birthday.
It is through my genealogical journey that I learn that my grandfather and I have the closest birthday. What a nice discovery.
I’m still working on any of the women ancestors way way back in my tree: Here’s my 8th great-grandmother, baptized on my birthday: Alice Gaylord (1595).
I wrote about a mystery missing child who may have died in the 1918 influenza pandemic.
John Gates, John Gates, where are you?
EVERETT, Frank – Closes to my birthday – A girl named Frank on the Texas frontier
OATEN, Harriet — Boulogne, France to Bath, Somerset, England. (1840-1914)
Did you ever get shown movies in school about houses catching on fire? In second grade they showed me a movie about a cigarette lighting a couch which caught the drapes, etc. For years, I couldn’t sleep until I’d surveyed all the electrical sockets and other areas of the house for smoldering fires.
My ancestor born closest to my birthday was my ggg grandfather John Marr
My subject this week is a Quaker 5th great-grandmother, Elizabeth Jessop, of Perquimans Co., NC.
Finding someone closest to my birthday using FTM – 52 Ancestors 2015 – Week 4
WHITING, John – Closest to my birthday –
I took a little break from the them this week and covered a special occasion; my Mother & Stepfathers Vow Renewal.
It was nevertheless a special month for birthdays, albeit not mine, with my Step-father, Auntie and Step-grandmother all celebrating birthdays. Also if my Grandad had been here (see previous 2015 blog on him!) it would have been his birthday too!
Please take a nosey to enjoy photos of our celebrations including a link to speeches. If you like the English accent, you will enjoy – I’m speaking on there too!!
CRAIGHEAD, Thomas (1660-1739) “It was on one of these occasions, near the close of April, 1739, at a communion session at the Big Spring church, when having preached until quite exhausted, he waved his hand, being unable to pronounce the benediction, and exclaimed farewell, farewell, and sank down and died in the pulpit.”
The closest birthday to me turned out not to be my mother (3 days) but Anne Margrete Otten, born in 1777, two days from my birthday. She was a complete mystery to me, until I started writing —
Nellie MISCOVITCH (nee ADAMSKI) was my grandmother. We shared many a birthday cake.
Mary Ann O’MARA (nee CARNEY) from Scranton, PA and Stowell, PA. The “Lost Sister”
Eunice Foss Johnson, my 4th great grandmother with whom I share a birthday.
Elizabeth Rucker is my 3rd Great Grandmother and she is the closest Ancestor with a birthday near mine!
Here is my bio for week 4 at
Week 4 –Closest to my birthday. William Bryant of Morehead City, NC
My subject this week is Maria (Arnold) Biel Hensel. You can find her story here:
My other Gemini twin, America E. Baker Coffman Woodburn
I wrote about my Grand- Aunt Kathryn Louise (Baker) Ryan (1898-1987) whom we affectionately called “Auntie Kate”
My “find” of the week on Find A Grave. Better late than never
Week 4 – Emilie Tourville (nee Rousselle) (1803-1863)
EVANS- #52 2015 week #4 Wilford Evans (1814-1897)
MCKEE – Joseph Willard (1908-1989)
Week 4 – Edna Earl (Byrd) Elliott, my paternal grandmother – Pinterest board version of 52 Ancestors:
MOXAM, Mary (1877-1900) –
Isabella BEATON/PIKE/HARRISON/GARRETT (1821-1882) my ggg grandmother
ALLWARDT, Sophia Christina Carolina (1834 – 1916). My 3rd-great-grandmother, born just after the abolition of serfdom in Mecklenburg to ex-serfs, and emigrated with her (extended!) family to Wisconsin.
Ida Lovina Ellison, my great grandmother, whose birthday is the day after mine.
Darby, Hannah
Koop, Hermann Karl Heinrich
I share a birthday with my great uncle, Elmer Felzien. I shared some photos from Elmer’s childhood.
FELZIEN, Elmer William
Mentzer, Sheldon Gayley Jones 1890?-1944
Noll, Melissa (married name Bailey)