The optional theme for Week 19 was “There’s a Way.” Ironically, I didn’t find a way to do my own 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks post.
But lots of you did — kudos to you! Among the many posts included:
- Linda Stufflebean of Empty Branches on the Family Tree told the story of William Knopp who had a few run-ins with the law
- Lois Willis wrote about Catherine Marshall and her migration to Australia
- Melody Lassalle of Research Journal Genealogy Blog told how her grandmother found a way to drive a car… at a very young age
Your Turn
Who did you write about during Week 19? Leave a comment below with a link to your post. Be sure to include your ancestor’s name — your cousins want to find you!
Also be sure to take a look at the posts from Week 18. Good reading and possible cousins — what could be better?!
Upcoming Optional Themes:
- Week 20 (May 14-20) – Black Sheep
- Week 21 (May 21-27) – Military
- Week 22 (May 28 – June 3) – Commencement
Due to the National Genealogical Society conference being held this week, the June themes will be announced on Monday, June 18.
FARLEY, Charles Frederick – Durham England. Chauffeur, Motor Driver, Flight Engineer
My 3x great grandfather’s way out of his sticky situation.
A special Mother’s Day tribute post to Merle (CASSELL) BOULTON – (1925-1959)
I wrote about GRAHAM, Elijah this week.
Joseph Homer TATHWELL, Sr. (1903-1997) – My paternal grand aunt’s husband who found and patented several ways to improve upon a common, mid-20th century office machine. –
My 17th century ancestor was the daughter of the Dance Master!
“Augusta Gustave Catharina de la Marche – Locating My Ancestor the Hard Way”
Lucinda Murphy – no. 35 (week 19) – I wonder if her family connected to the Murphy family her daughter Dessie married into
My mother and her parents went on a ~5,500 car trip in 1949 to see family her parents hadn’t seen in 30 years.
Gustav LANGE (1888-1963)
Wilhelmina (SCHALIN) Lange (1894-1960)
Dorothy Ailein (LANGE) Jennings (1930-2014)
1949 Road Trip
My story is about my 2nd great grandmother and how she and her siblings found a way to leave Germany to escape physical abuse of their father.
Where my ancestors all came from and ended up…
William Hooper was a Loyalist in a time when that was a risky thing to be…talk about sticky situations!
BIANCHI – 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #19 Peter Bianchi (1882 – 1922) – A Quandary by Eileen A Souza at Old Bones Genealogy
What is my way out of this quandary?
Helen Margaret Bovenschen – 1896-1986
Tribute to Helen and seven generations of mothers in photos.
Thank you for featuring my story! I hope it made people laugh
BOORMAN, William Scoons, my husband’s great grandfather, found a way to move west, following his son from England to Victoria on Canada’s west coast. The rest of his family soon followed as well.
COCHRANE–Emily Cochrane–A Will and a Way
Another blog about a will, but this time it shows a way to get more information
I’m pondering the effects of illiteracy on this whole family on my father’s side, in this one that my great-great-grandfather and his children could not have read.
In this week’s post, I was the one, not an ancestor, who had to find a short cut while following the family’s movements.
52 Ancestors: #19 The Heinrich GRISIUS Family of Hoscheid-Dickt
by Cathy Meder-Dempsey at Opening Doors in Brick Walls
My 2x great grandfather Edward Edwards from England to Colorado.
This week’s post kind of fits the theme. Why did my fourth great-grandfather, Jedidiah WILLET (1768-1850), born in Connecticut, spend the last 19-20 years of his life in Georgia?
My son-in-law’s 3rd greatgrandmother, Susanna PARSONS, 1807-1866, in Hartshill Warwickshire… I found it fascinating to see her take up hand-looming silk ribbons at home…
I didn’t really use the prompt, I went with Mother’s Day and did my great grandfather’s mother, Elisabetta Maria Catterina Wegher Stefani.
BOE – Week 19 “There’s a Way”: Theodore Jorgen Boe
My great-grandfather’s brother found a way to get around the term limits for the office of county treasurer.
Here’s hoping that someone, a Bolton or Bolton descendants, in the right place, will see this article and either have answers or DNA test. I’d love to figure out who Henry and Conrad’s parents really are and the information likely lies hidden someplace in London.
BOLTON – Henry and Conrad Bolton – 240th Immigration Anniversary
GREENE, Ora Belle (1907-1988):
Thomas Morse died 400 years before I learned from a notation on a list of rectors of Hinderclay, Suffolk church that he had been “deprived 1595”. How did he find a way out of that one?
KNIGHT, William and all the ways I’m related to the Knight family.
BOYER, William Henry m. Mary Cooper – When The Way Is Hard
CRUZ, Hilario – There is a way to create a timeline for Hilario from just one document.
MICHAUX, ROCHET – Better late than never! This week I focused on my French Huguenot ancestor, Suzanne (Rochet) Michaux and her escape from religious persecution in France. I also featured pictures, info & books relating to French Huguenots in general.
My Pinterest board address here:
I wrote about my 1st cousin 2x removed Herbert Cheeseman who was born in Barbados but moved to the U.S. and settled in NY.
I’ve written about my 4 x great grandfather, James Lockie !793-1865)
Still catching up! I wrote about finding a way to find a line I thought I couldn’t
Oh brother! I totally fell off the wagon! Here’s my Week 19 post FINALLY!! Hope to get #20 & 21 done over the weekend.
Flora Dell Rowley TWINING was my 2nd great grandmother.
Oops! I forgot to post this one last week! A tragedy for Josephte Cantin.
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