Here are the blogs that have indicated they are participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge. (Ok, it’s the bloggers who are participating, but since some bloggers are anonymous, we’ll just go with the blogs.)
- Across the Rolling Prairie
- Adams Family Reunion
- Adventures in Genealogy
- AfriGeneans Talking
- After Toil Comes Rest
- All About Family
- All My Branches Genealogy
- All Roads Lead to Jones
- Always Anxiously Engaged
- Amanda’s Athenaeum
- Ancestor Soup
- Ancestors at Rest
- Ancestors I Wish I Knew
- Ancestors in Aprons
- Ancestral Steps
- AncesTrees
- Ancestry Addict
- The Ancestry Angel
- Ancestry Attic
- Ancestry Search
- Ancient Echos From the Past
- Anglers Rest
- Annals of Memory
- Anne’s Family History
- Apple Tree Genealogy
- approachingthehill
- Are You My Great Grandmother?
- Barb’s Family Stories
- Barbara Schmidt
- Bayern Roots
- Begin With ‘Craft’
- Bits ‘n’ Pieces
- bntdrl
- Bob & Debbie’s Next BIGGS Adventure
- Book of Ancestry
- Bowling for Ancestors
- Braiding Trees
- Brainripples
- A Branch Too Far
- Branches and Twigs
- The Branches of My Tree
- Branching Out (kerlanger)
- Branching Out (Brenda Smith)
- Branching Out: My Family Tree (mvillhauer)
- Branching Out Through the Years
- Brooks/Norton Beginnings
- A Buckeye Tree
- CanadaGenealogy, or, Jane’s Your Aunt
- Candy’s Family Maze
- Carlson and Carrico Family History
- Carolina Family Roots
- Carolina Girl Genealogy
- Chasing Dead Relatives
- Chasing the Past
- Climbing My Family Tree (Jennifer)
- Climbing My Family Tree (Jo Allison Henn)
- Climbing My Family Tree (Marian Burk Wood)
- Collecting Ancestors
- Colleen and Jeff’s Roots
- Conrad’s Stories
- Cope/Lemons
- Copper Leaf Genealogy
- A Couple of Whiles
- The Creola Genealogist
- Curating Kin
- D. Taylor’s Genealogy
- Dans les branches (in French)
- Deal with Your Past
- Dean P. Simmer
- Denise Digs Roots
- Denise’s Genealogy Journey
- Descendants of the Shaffer and Zirkle Family
- Diggin’ Up Dead People
- Diggin’ Up Graves
- Digging Down East
- Discovering Latvian Roots
- DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
- Do You Know the Muffin Man?
- Documenting the Details
- DonnaB’s Weblog
- Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
- Eads and Allied Families
- Edenborough One Name Study
- The eLucydator
- Elusive Ancestor Hunter
- Elyse’s Genealogy Blog
- Empty Branches on the Family Tree
- Exploring Family
- Extreme Ancestry
- Family Connections
- The Family Griot
- Family History Etc.
- Family History Fun
- Family History Project
- Family Stories
- Family Tree Frog
- A Family Tree Grows in Brooklyn (& CA & IA)
- Family Unforgotten
- Family Wise, Ltd.
- Fascinated by the Dead
- Finding Eliza
- Finding Family History
- Finding Forgotten Stories
- Finding My Ancestors
- Finding My Branches
- Finding My Dead
- Finding Our Ancestors
- Flowers on the Family Tree
- Flyover
- Folk Stories
- Footprints in Time
- Fort Worth Genealogy Examiner
- From A to Zophar
- From Europe to America
- From Helen V Smith’s Keyboard
- From Maine to Kentucky
- From Mowat and Beyond
- From My Material Stash
- Full Family Circle History Blog
- Gathering Branches of My Family Tree
- Gen X Genealogy
- Genea-addict
- Genea-Musings
- GeneaDiva’s History, Genealogy and “Stuff”
- Genealogical Gems
- Généalogie en tête (in French)
- The Genealogy Bug
- Genealogy by Ginger’s Blog
- Genealogy Circle
- Genealogy in West Brookfield, MA
- Genealogy Junkie — All Roads Lead to Arkansas
- The Genealogy of William Achnitz III
- Genealogy on My Mind
- The Genealogy Search
- Genealogy Under Construction
- Genealogy With Valerie
- GenealogyRambles
- The Genearchaeologist’s Field Notebook
- Generations Gone By’s Weblog
- Genie Roadtrip
- Gerry’s Passion: Genealogy
- Getting Started in Genealogy
- Getting to Know You
- Getting to Texas
- Green Family Archives
- Heart of a Southern Woman
- Heart of Story
- Heather’s Genealogy Notes
- Heritage, Inheritance and Legacy
- Het leven van een DrakenVliegje
- Hoosier Family Lineage
- The Hopelessly Hooked Genealogist
- How Did I Get Here: From Africa to North Carolina
- How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
- Hunting Down History
- I Remember You
- Ian Hadden’s Family History
- I’m Proud to Be the Family Historian
- The Impassioned Genealogist
- In My Playroom
- In Search of the Rest of the Story
- Indiana Ties
- Jana’s Genealogy and Family History Blog
- Janet the Researcher
- Jen’s Genealogy Pages
- Jenealogy (Jennifer Alford)
- Jenealogy (jenefertari)
- Jenna’s Gene Weblog
- Jennealogy
- Johnson Kluka Genealogy
- Jollett Etc.
- Jottings, Journeys and Genealogy
- Journey of a Family Historian
- Journeys Past
- Joynealogy
- Julia’s Family History Blog
- Jumping Into My Genes
- Kanabel/Knable/Knaebel Family Search Blog
- Karen’s Genealogy Oasis
- Karen’s Kin
- Kirsty’s Creative & Genealogical Blog
- KJN Genealogy
- Kris Hocker’s genealogy
- Laney’s Past
- larrysgroup
- The Late Night Genealogist
- Leah’s Family Tree
- Leaves & Branches
- Leaves and Nuts
- The lemontree
- Lena the Rainwoman
- The Life and Times of Trixie Jones
- Life in the Past Lane
- Little Bits of Roots and Branches
- livesentwined
- Living in the Past
- Lois Willis – Genealogy & Family History
- Looking Back
- Looking Through the Lens of a Millennial Genealogist (Facebook page)
- The Lopsided Tree
- Maguidhirish Genealogy
- Mam-ma’s Southern Family
- Marshall Family
- McElrea Genealogy Blog
- Melanie’s Genealogy Journey
- Miscellanea
- Miss E and Me
- Moments in Time
- Montanatude
- Moore Views From the Family Tree
- MoynahanGenealogy
- Musings of MidwestAncesTree
- My Acadian Roots
- My Adventures in Genealogy
- My Ain Folk
- My Ancestor’s Leaves
- My Ancestors and Me
- My Family & Memories
- My Family History
- My Family History Files
- My Family History Research
- My Family Research
- My Family’s Branches and Twigs
- My Genealogical Journey
- My Genealogical Quest
- My Genealogical Ramblings
- My Genealogy Life
- My Genealogy Quest for Jackson-Ketchum Genealogy
- My History Path
- My Journey Back
- My Link to the Past
- My Maine Ancestry
- My Missing Cousins
- My Moynahan Genealogy Blog
- My People in History
- My Search for the Past
- Nellie’s Basket
- Newdale, Manitoba, Canada Genealogy
- No Story Too Small
- Nolichucky Roots
- NOT Heather’s Genealogy
- Notes From the Past
- Oak Grove Genealogy
- Of Loons and Lady Slippers
- Old Bones Genealogy
- Olive Tree Genealogy
- Once Upon a Chromosome
- One Branch at a Time
- One Life Picture by Picture
- Opening Doors in Brick Walls
- Orlandel Creations
- Our Ancestories
- Our Families and Their Untold Stories
- Our Family Tree Tales
- Our Life Picture by Picture
- Our Own History
- Pajama Genealogy
- Passage to the Past’s Blog
- Past Remains
- Past Times of a Native Texan
- People, Place, and Time
- Peterson, Jacob, Weber, Folcher, Stone, Newburg Family Tree
- The Pendleton Genealogy Post
- Photo Restorations by Tim G
- Pine Trees and Pedigrees
- Piney Woods and Prairie Winds
- PollyBlog
- Putnam Sisters
- Questions and Ancestors
- Quotidian Genealogy
- Railroads and Cotton
- Random
- Random Relatives
- Rattling the Bones
- Reflections from the Fence
- Relative Histories
- Relative Musings
- Relative Roots
- Relative Storyboards
- Relativity
- Remember Me – Remember Me
- The Research Journal
- Robin’s Attempts to Fly Away Home
- Root Digger Genealogy
- Rooted in Foods
- Roots and Branches
- Roots, Branches, and a Few Nuts
- Roots of Kinship
- Rosneath – and My Jottings
- RoyalGenealogist
- Ruff Notes
- SallySearches
- Same To Ya
- Scoop’s Scoop
- Scrapping My Family History
- The Scrappy Genealogist
- Scuffalong: Genealogy
- A Sense of Family
- Shake Your Family Tree
- Shaking Cheryl’s Family Tree
- Shaking Family Trees
- Shaking the Branches
- Shaking the Family Tree
- Shaking the Tree
- Sherlock Homes
- Siblings and Niblings
- Skeletons in the Closet
- So Many Ancestors
- Sorting Through Shoeboxes
- Spartan Roots
- Stalking the Dead: A Journey Into Family History
- starryblackness
- Steve Moray Genealogy
- Still Digging for Roots
- The Stories Found Among the Leaves
- Stories From My Family Tree Forest
- Study By Night
- Swadling One-Name Study
- Swedish Thoughts
- Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generations
- Talking Box Genealogy
- Tangled Roots and Trees
- A Tangled Trail
- Tell Me More Stories
- thegenealogygirl
- Tidbits & Treasures
- Timelines & Stories
- Toni’s Journal
- Trace Your Genealogy
- Tracing Amy: My Ancestral Journey
- Tracings by SAM
- Tracks of My Georgia Ancestors
- Tree Climbing
- Tree Detective
- Trovando Famiglia
- A Twig in My Tree
- Twigs and Trees
- Under the Nut Tree Genealogy
- Untangled Family Roots
- Ups and Downs of Family History
- Victoria Jo’s Family Stories
- Vintage Vickie
- Voices from the Past
- Vorfahrensucher
- Wandering Through My Roots
- The Wayfaring One
- We Cannot Know Them All
- West in New England
- What Do You Mean We’re Irish?
- What Was Their Story?
- What’s Past Is Prologue
- Wheeler Genealogy
- When I Was 69
- Whereswoolly now?
- Who ARE You People?
- Who We Are and How We Got This Way
- Who Were They?
- Williams Family
- Wise Ancestors
- A Wise Heart’s Journey
- Woodie’s Web
- Yeakley/Jones Family History
- Your Cousin Caron
- Your Roots are Showing, Dearie
- Yvonne’s Genealogy Blog
- Zalewski Family Genealogy
- 21 Wits, by Karen
- 52 Ancestors – 52 Weeks (Sharon S)
- The 52 Ancestors Challenge (Susan Meek)
- 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge (Barb May)
- 52 Week Ancestor Challenge
Looking forward to reading all the new posts! I thought I had submitted my new first time blog site, but I don’t see it on the list this week…
Hi – is it possible to add my new blog? It’s called “Dancing with my Ancestors” at
I’m sorry, but I’m not updating this list anymore.
Thank you for letting me know!
Here is my “corrected title” blog. Thanks
I am participating in the 52 Ancestors Challenge too.
Astounding response! Amy, you must be over-the-moon happy at members’ response. Kudos to you for creating a new, ‘virtual’ community. – Cathy
Amy, I’ve changed my blog’s URL: it’s still titled “Who were they? 52 ancestors in 52 weeks” – link follows.
Apologies for the confusion, and for the extra effort on your part.
Not a problem. I’ve updated the URL on the “participating blogs” page and in my Feedly list.
First ever blog. Hope it works. Thanks for the challenge.
Welcome to the challenge and welcome to blogging! I hope you enjoy both!
Just found this challenge. I may be a bit late, but this week’s post is up, and I’ll try to catch up the other weeks. How exciting and interesting!
Welcome! I hope you enjoy the challenge!
I have accepted the 52 ancestors challenge and have posted ancestors 1-3 on my blog at
Rita — Thanks for joining the challenge! When I go to your site, though, it says that it hasn’t been published.
I don’t know what happened during my cut-and-paste this morning..
The URL for the site is
Rita Carrolyn
Started a blog to join in the 52 Ancestor fun!
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it!
I’m late to the party, but I’d like to join in if I may. My first two posts are: and
Thanks for putting this challenge together!
Welcome, Leah! I have your blog listed and have added it to my Feedly list. I look forward to reading your posts!
I apologize if this is redundant, but I thought I added my participating blog last Wednesday (possibly too late). I have three posts now.
Well I did that wrong! The tile of my website is “My Search for the Past,” but that is not the hyperlink.
Hi Cheryl,
I’m having a hard time adding your site to my blog reader (Feedly). Do you know if there is a link for an RSS feed?
I am trying to figure it out. I can’t find one…
I am looking for a workaround.
It appears that Wix has done everything possible to prevent adding RSS to a free blog. What a shame. I could have used Word Press. I may migrate it there.
Thanks anyway! I’ll let you know when I have a solution.
I have migrated over to WordPress. I hope that you can add me now. I really had hoped to commemorate the death of my great grandmother, Marie Kessler Lindner, in the fire bombing of Dresden on February 13, 1945.
Great! Feedly found it this time with no problems. If you could add “52 Ancestors” to the title of your posts so that I can find the ones that are supposed to be in the recaps, that would be great. (Here’s an explanation of how I use Feedly for the recaps and why the title is important.) Thanks!
Would like to join your challenge if not to late. First post can be found at
Not too late! I’ve added you to the list of participating blogs and to my Feedly list. Just keep putting “52 Ancestors” in the title of the posts that should be included in the weekly recaps. Welcome to the Challenge!
Thanks, really excited about this.
I’m starting a little late but would love to be added. My blog is
Welcome, Pam!
Kentucky Tornado is now up on my Skeletons In The Closet.
I’m starting this challenge rather late in the day! Will publish my first ‘ancestor’ post later this week.
Wonderful! I look forward to your posts. BTW, I enjoyed your photos!
Hello Everyone!
I just started participating as well!
Welcome, Barbara! I will start including yours in next week’s recap. I was running way behind this week and didn’t have a chance to add new blogs to my list on Feedly.
I’m hoping that better late than never applies here! I’ve just set up my blog and written an introductory post – the first “proper” post will go up next week
Welcome, Hilary! I look forward to your posts! Just be sure to include “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the title of the posts that should be in the weekly recap. Happy blogging!
I’ve changed my blog from 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks to My Family & Memories. New blog address is Moved all previous entries to the new blog and deleted the old blog. All posts have the label #52Ancestors52 Weeks.
Thanks for the update! I’ll change the list and update Feedly so I can see your posts.
One quick note — if you could put “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the title of your new posts, that would help me see them in Feedly (which is what I use to compile the weekly recap.) Thanks!
I am going to start mine tonight on
Welcome, Yvette! I just read your post about your great-aunt Georgia. She really was a woman ahead of her time! Looking forward to seeing more of your posts.
I would love to join! I just found out about this on Twitter (@ggirltalks). Is it too late to join?
Hi! It’s not too late at all! Just let me know what blog you’ll be posting on. When you do a post for the challenge, be sure to include “52 Ancestors” in the title, that way I can spot it in Feedly.
Is it too late to join your challenge? I just started my blog this week, and I love this idea! I could go really crazy reading all these posts! Nice work!
Welcome! It’s never too late to start! I’ll add your blog to the page here and to my Feedly list. Just be sure to include “52 Ancestors” somewhere in the blog post title so I can find it. I look forward to reading about your ancestors!
I have also started this challenge on my blog in May
Please share on your site if you don’t mind
Hi Carrie! I’ve added it to the list!
With some prodding from a friend, I’ve joined the challenge!
Hi Amy, I’d love if you could add my blog to your list as I am starting the challenge this year. Thanks for such a great idea!
I am accepting the 52 Ancestors 52 Weeks Challenge in 2015 (I’m a year late but excited to try this)
I also have accepted the challenge with my blog, Fifty-Two Leaves
Welcome! I encourage you to leave a link to your posts on the weekly recaps that I’ll publish on Thursdays. It’s completely up to you
Hi! I’m in for 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks. I’m late with my first post (I’ve back-dated it).
Here’s my week 2 post.
Thanks, Christopher! You might want to post this on the Week 2 recap that I’ll be posting tomorrow (Thursday, Jan 15). More people will see it that way.
I am participating too! It’s called The Wayfaring One.
The 52 Ancestors challenge inspired me to start my own genealogy blog and tell some stories! Here I am with week #6 (my first!):
Hello Amy,
I tried a few weeks ago to sign up for the challenge, but I think I did something wrong. So I’m trying again. (I’ll call it my 46 in 46 Challenge! Or maybe I’ll try to crank out more than one a week and try to catch up. I know it doesn’t really matter–I just need to get started.)
So my blog is called
Thank you so much for offering this opportunity.
I am participating as well
I am participating as well. My blog is called “Putting Clothes on the Tombstones” and is available a
I guess I never registered on this list, but I am also participating Will the May topics be posted this week? We are leaving on an extended trip in one week and I really would love to have my May ancestors’ stories written before I leave. Thanks!
I don’t know how I missed that! I’ve added it to the list. I won’t be posting the May topics until next week, but since you asked so nicely… Check your email 😉
Hello Amy
It has been a good challenge to participate with the many bloggers writing about our 52 ancestors. I noticed on the tab blogs participating my blog is not listed. Also I noticed the same blog name who joined the challenge in 2014 and not in the 2015 challenge. Would you consider correcting this matter. thank you
I started this challenge a few weeks ago, but forgot to post here
Here is my next one
Forgot to post my link: The title of my blog is “Putting Clothes on the Tombstones”. Can you tell me where I’ll find the next set of suggested topics?
I’ve been in since week 1 of this year.
“52 in 52” has been an inspiration. I’ve modified in slightly for my summer “Family History Project” at I would love to be included in the list of blogs.
That’s so nice of you to say! I’ve updated the list to include your blog
Thanks Amy! Wonderful and honored to be in such good company.
I would love to be included in your list of blogs!
By the way, do we have permission to add the ’52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks’ logo/widget to our blog? I’d be happy to.
Sure you can include the 52 Ancestors logo on your blog! Just include a link back to here (
Here is my first submission.
Can I start participating in the 52 week challenge now, even though it is over?
My blog is
Sure! I’m not updating the list any more, but please feel free to do the challenge.